College Admission Requirements

Students in good standing may apply for admission to the E. J. Ourso College of Business. Students transferring from another institution must also meet university transfer admission requirements. Students who are denied admission may reapply for admission in a subsequent semester. The following information includes application links and outlines requirements for on-campus and online students. 


Students are eligible for admission to the Ourso College once they have successfully completed the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 30 hours of university coursework (to include 12 hours of coursework on the LSU A&M campus, of which at least 9 hours must be from the E. J. Ourso College of Business).
  • Complete the Pre-Business Core classes (ENGL 1001, MATH 1021 and MATH 1431, ECON 2000, ISDS 1102, and ACCT 2001) with a “C-” or better in each course. Students who place or test out of any of the Pre-Business Core classes will be given credit for successfully completing those classes. 

Students majoring in accounting​ must meet the following GPA requirements at the time of their application for admission into the major:

  • A minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA
  • A minimum 2.7 LSU GPA
  • A minimum 2.5 business GPA
  • A minimum 2.5 LSU business GPA

Students majoring in finance​ must meet the following GPA requirements at the time of their application for admission into the major:

  • A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • A minimum 3.0 LSU GPA
  • A minimum 2.5 business GPA
  • A minimum 2.5 LSU business GPA

Students majoring in business analytics economics, entrepreneurship, general business, international trade & finance, information systems and decision sciences, information systems and analytics, management​, or marketing must meet the following GPA requirements at the time of their application for admission into the major:

  • A minimum 2.6 cumulative GPA
  • A minimum 2.6 cumulative LSU GPA
  • A minimum 2.3 business GPA
  • A minimum 2.3 LSU business GPA

Students may apply for admission to the E. J. Ourso College of Business Office of Business Student Success, BEC Suite 2000, or email an application to [email protected] once classes for the current semester have ended. Applications are reviewed after final grades have been posted. Students may submit application forms until the last day to add courses for the following semester in which they intend to enroll. A student’s overall GPA, LSU GPA, business GPA, and LSU business GPA can be found on the degree audit.

Three ways to submit your completed application: 

  • Email to [email protected]
  • Deliver a printed application to 2000 Business Education Complex (on the second floor of the BEC Rotunda) between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
  • Fax to 225-578-5256

Spring 2025
Application period opens: Dec. 9
Submission deadline: Jan. 28



Students are eligible for admission to the Ourso College once they have successfully completed the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 30 hours of university coursework (to include 12 hours of coursework through the LSU A&M campus, of which at least 9 hours must be from the E. J. Ourso College of Business).
  • Complete the Pre-Business Core classes (ENGL 1001, MATH 1021 and MATH 1431, ECON 2000, ISDS 1102, and ACCT 2001) with a “C-” or better in each course. Students who place or test out of any of the Pre-Business Core classes will be given credit for successfully completing those classes. 
  • You must meet the following GPA requirements at the time of your application for admission:

    A minimum 2.6 cumulative GPA
    A minimum 2.6 cumulative LSU GPA
    A minimum 2.3 business GPA
    A minimum 2.3 LSU business GPA

  • Students are responsible for meeting the requirements listed in the catalog under which they are enrolled. The GPA requirements for each major are listed in the LSU catalog. If you are unsure of your official catalog year, contact Mary Kay Tessier [email protected]


Email your completed application to Mary Kay Tessier [email protected]

Applications for the upcoming module may be submitted as early as finals, with the final date to submit an application being noon Central Time the last weekday before the start of a new module.

Contact Mary Kay Tessier [email protected]