What are the capabilities and resources of the LSU Behavioral Research Lab?
The Behavioral Research Lab offers extensive capabilities for conducting diverse behavioral
studies. These include comprehensive physiological/biometric assessments and precise
gaze tracking studies performed at a throughput level surpassing nearly all other
academic facilities. With our advanced software and hardware capabilities, we have
firmly established ourselves as a leading "mega-lab," utilizing the cutting-edge iMotions
platform, a distinction shared by only a select few labs.
The lab facilitates flexible research design options, leveraging multiple computer-based
platforms such as Qualtrics, iMotions, and E-Prime, enabling a high degree of customization.
Additionally, we cater to traditional research methods, including pen-and-paper studies,
focus groups, and individual in-depth interviews. Our expansive participant pool,
ample physical space, and state-of-the-art technological equipment firmly position
LSU's Lab as a trailblazing facility, poised to maintain its leadership role and provide
researchers with a sustained competitive advantage well into the future.
Are the lab facilities available to graduate and doctoral students?
Yes! A unique aspect of our lab is that graduate students are allowed and encouraged
to use the lab facilities to advance their research, including dissertations and academic
Does research conducted in the lab require approval or exemption from the LSU Institutional
Review Board (IRB)?
Yes – All projects involving human subjects must receive IRB exemption or approval
prior to conducting studies in the LSU Behavioral Lab.
Interested faculty and students can find more information about LSU’s IRB processes
at the following link: https://www.lsu.edu/research/compliance/review_boards/irb/index.php.
What is the purpose of the student research pool?
The student research pool helps meet several objectives of the E. J. Ourso College
of Business and the Department of Marketing. First, the student research pool provides
faculty and students with an exemplary opportunity to access a substantial number
of willing research participants in a state-of-the-art facility. Second, the lab pool
provides an excellent opportunity for students to add depth to their business education
by allowing them to partake in important current research and receive course credit.
How can undergraduate students get involved in research?
Students can reach out to the faculty mentors – see the Student Research Opportunities
tab above.
Students are also encouraged to participate in and present their research at LSU’s Discover Day. Prior undergraduate student research projects conducted with faculty in the E. J.
Ourso College of Business have been awarded monetary prizes at LSU’s Discover Day
How can faculty utilize the Behavioral Lab as a way to give their students extra credit
in their courses?
We rely on our faculty’s willingness to encourage and reward student participation
in lab studies. Faculty that are interested in adding students from their courses
to the lab pool can contact the Lab Administrator, Candice Marti, for more information.
Candice Marti (PhD Student)
Administrator, Behavioral Research Lab
[email protected]
How will student credits be tracked and assigned for courses?
Students sign up to complete studies using the SONA system, which also tracks their
participation and credits. Participating faculty members will be provided with a report
containing a list of their students who have participated in the lab for class credit.
This report details the total number of credits that the student received for the
semester as well as the number that the students selected to assign for a particular
class. Each faculty member can determine how credits are assigned in their courses
as outlined in their syllabus or course policies.
Who can I contact if I am an E. J. Ourso College of Business faculty member that would
like to utilize the lab resources?
Faculty that are interested in utilizing lab resources can contact the Lab Administrator,
Candice Marti, or Lab Director, Dr. Dan Rice, for more information.
Candice Marti (PhD Student)
Administrator, Behavioral Research Lab
[email protected]
Dan H. Rice (Associate Professor of Marketing)
Director, Behavioral Research Lab
[email protected]