Employee Discipline
If a University employee is exhibiting problems with their performance and/or conduct, they may be subject to discipline. The type of discipline should reflect the seriousness of the offense and the type of employee receiving the disciplinary action. All employees should become familiar with the PS-08, the university's policy on Employee Discipline Procedures for Professional, Other Academic, and Classified Employees. Regardless of the employee type, all discipline must provide due process to the employee and be distributed fairly.
The first response to a performance problem (e.g., unacceptable attendance, unsatisfactory job performance or inappropriate conduct) is a coaching session. A coaching session is the most effective way to deal with a small problem before it becomes a bigger problem.
Classified Employees
State Civil Service Rules govern the employee-employer relationship for classified employees. The process, positive discipline, involves a series of steps taken by management to instruct and assist employees in reaching a satisfactory level of performance and/or displaying appropriate behavior in the workplace. The system is dependent upon the employee's recognition of his/her need to accept and conform to the University's standards of performance and conduct.
Process for Classified Employees
Coaching Session
- Determine the category of the problem (i.e., performance, attendance, conduct).
- Identify the specific difference(s) between the desired and actual performance.
- Determine the good business reasons why the problem must be solved.
- Determine the logical consequences if the problem continues.
- Determine the appropriate action the employee must take to correct the problem. Sometimes, the supervisor may also be required to take action to correct the problem.
The Coaching Session
- Review the items above and allow the employee to provide a reasonable explanation of his/her performance or conduct if one exists.
- Agree on the action the employee (and the supervisor, if appropriate) will take to correct the problem.
If the employee's attendance/performance/conduct does not improve, the supervisor meets with the employee and reminds him/her of the obligation to correct the problem. The details of the conference are then confirmed in writing to the employee. This can be done using the First Decisional Conference form. The First Decisional does not require Appointing Authority approval. A copy of the First Decisional does not need to be sent to the Office of Human Resource Management.
Employees are provided an opportunity to respond in writing to the Office of Human Resource Management if they disagree with the facts presented in the first Decisional. The response must be received within seven (7) working days of receipt of the first Decisional. The response will be reviewed and appropriate action will be taken which may include requesting a response from the department, a modification to the first Decisional, or attaching the rebuttal to the first Decisional.
If the employee continues to perform below the performance standard, the employee is again counseled by the supervisor. The second conference attempts to achieve the same objective as the first, except that the employee is warned that if performance does not improve, more forceful measures will be taken, up to and including termination. The details of the conference are then confirmed in writing to the employee. This can be done using the Second Decisional Conference form. The Second Decisional does not require Appointing Authority approval but a copy of the Second Decisional must be forwarded to the Office of Human Resource Management. Second Decisional are not appealable to the Civil Service Commission and are not placed in the employee's official personnel folder.
Employees are provided an opportunity to respond in writing to the Office of Human Resource Management if they disagree with the facts presented in the Second Decisional. The response must be received within seven (7) working days of receipt of the Second Decisional. The response will be reviewed and appropriate action will be taken, which may include requesting a response from the department, a modification to the Second Decisional, or attaching the rebuttal to the Second Decisional.
Once an employee has received one or two decisionals (depending on the severity of the violation), the employee has one final opportunity to recommit to the institution. After consulting with Employee Relations, the supervisor holds a meeting with the employee to discuss the seriousness of the matter. The employee is given a Final Decisional also called an Employee Contract, which is written by Employee Relations.
The Employee Contract must contain:
- A brief description of the problem.
- Clearly defined expectations (a copy of the employee's current job description can be attached).
- A closing statement which includes, “your signature acknowledges your commitment to
fully acceptable conduct, attendance, and performance in every area of your job, whether
related to this issue or not, since any future violations
could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.”
At the end of the meeting, the employee is asked to take the Contract home and report to the supervisor on the next work day at the beginning of his/her shift with his/her decision about signing. If the employee wants to sign the Contract in the meeting, the supervisor should reiterate that this is a final warning, and the employee needs to take time to consider his/her decision. When the employee reports to the supervisor the next work day, he/she either signs the Contract and commits to meeting the University's expectations or accepts the consequences for his or her failure to meet established performance standards.
The Employee Contract requires Appointing Authority approval. If an employee disagrees with the facts presented in the contract, he/she may file a grievance in accordance with PS-80.
Termination is the last resort when less severe forms of the positive discipline system do not correct the attendance, performance or behavior problems. Terminations require Appointing Authority approval and are appealable to the Civil Service Commission.
Professional Employees & Other Academic Employees
Professional and other academic employees hold their positions at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors, except as otherwise stated in the By-Laws and Regulations of the LSU Board of Supervisors. Supervisors considering termination or discipline of professional and other academic employees should contact Employee Relations at [email protected] or 578-8200.