
Procurement Forms

Form Name
Form Number
Authorized Dealer Certification FRM-U525.A.1-2 To certify that a specific supplier is an authorized agent to repair or provide repair parts on behalf of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Form is to be completed by the manufacturer.
Bid/Quote Tabulation For Public Works FRM-U38.B To tab and evaluate quotes received from suppliers in response to a solicitation for public works contracts conducted by Facility Services.
Procurement Noncompliance FRM-U307.C.01 To request approval of a purchase made without following the Procurement Code, policies or procedures. 
Promotional and Logo Items with University Funds PUR522 To request approval to purchase promotional items, trophies, plaques and or awards. This form is to be used regardless of if the university's name, trademarks and/or logos is used.
Proposed Suppliers  N/A

To provide a list of suppliers to include in a solicitation process.

Public Works Threshold Guide FRM-U38.A To provide summary of public works purchasing thresholds and applicable law requirements.
Quotation Tabulation FRM-U501.A.03.B To tab and evaluate quotes received from suppliers in response to an informal solicitation (RFR or RFQ) conducted by the department.
Request for Fax Quotation (RFQ) FRM-U501.A.03.A To obtain quotes from suppliers for purchases not available through a master contract whose total cost exceeds the competitive threshold but is less than $25,000. (See PRO-U501.A.03).
Request for Response (RFR) FRM-U501.B.02 To obtain quotes from state contract suppliers when making a purchase with a total cost $50,000 or greater of goods or services from a State of Louisiana - Louisiana Pricing Schedule (LaPS) Contract. (See PRO-U501.B.02). Click here for instructions if conducted by the department.
Sole Source Justification FRM-U501.B.01 To request approval to purchase an item with a total cost exceeding the competitive threshold directly from a specific supplier and not undergo the competitive solicitation process. This is a one-time approval which must meet specific requirements (See PRO-U501.B.01).
Term Contracts Renewal PUR105 To request establishing or rebidding a term contract for goods or services that will exceed the competitive threshold within a 12-month period (See Term Contract Instructions).
Used Equipment Justification FRM-U525.A.25 To request to purchase equipment that is no longer 'new' in state. This is a one-time approval which must meet specific requirements (See PRO-U525.A.25).

Professional, Specialty & Consulting Services Forms

Form Name
Form Number
Contractor Information

To gather information about the supplier such as their relationship to LSU and its employees as well as outline specific payment terms. Required for all PSC requisitions not subject to competition.

Scope of Services

To gather details on the services being provided by the supplier as well as specific deliverables, goals and objectives.

Subaward Processing Checklist N/A Outlines the process for establishing Subawards. 

Supplier Forms

Form Name
Indemnification Agreement and Insurance Verification Form To declare allocation of risk between the parties to a contract. Supplier agrees to accept financial responsibility for it's actions and defend the university in legal claims should they arise as a result of a their actions. For more information, contact the Office of Risk Management.
W-8BEN: Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for US Tax Withholding and Reporting for Individuals For Foreign Individuals Only. To establish an individual as a foreign person doing business with LSU. W-8 information must match information submitted in the supplier application. 
W-8BEN-E: Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for US Tax Withholding and Reporting for Entities For Foreign Entities Only. To establish an entity as a foreign company doing business with LSU. W-8 information must match information submitted in the supplier application. 
W-9: Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification For Domestic Individuals/Suppliers Only. To establish an individual or company doing business with LSU. W-9 information must match information submitted in the supplier application. Also, required if changing the name or TIN.


Rev. 3/6/2025




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