Workday Procurement FAQs
All Procurement department job aids are located on the Finance Workday Training webpage. Scroll down to the Procurement section to view.
Effective March 11, 2023, Workday Spend Attachment Categories are a required field to select when attaching documents to Workday Requisitions and Purchase Orders. Based on the Requisition Type and/or Spend Category selected, validations exist for specific attachments to be included and notated with the applicable attachment category to allow the Requisition to move forward in the approval process. View the list of Workday Spend Attachment Category validations based on Requisition Type and/or Spend Category.
A Location Request must be submitted in Workday to have the address enabled for shipping usage. To begin this process, type Create Request in the Workday search bar and select Location Request as the request type.
The initiator will need to provide the following details to submit the location request:
- Address of the location
- Name of employee(s) who works at this location
- Is the location LSU owned or non-LSU owned
- Is the location a business or residential
- Is the location being enabled for shipping and if yes, why
- Is the location related to an approved telecommuting arrangement
The request will route to the appropriate parties (HRM, Procurement, & Location Administration) based on the information entered at the initiation step. Once the location has been created, the initiator will receive a notification in Workday letting them know the location has been created. Then the department should be able to select the new address in requisitions.
All campus shipping addresses have been modified to properly identify the valid campus ship to addresses. The addresses were confirmed by the building coordinators or authorized campus representative. In most cases, either the company address or the employee's work address listed in their profile has defaulted to the order which is not a valid ship to location for supplier website (punch-out) orders. The initiator must select a valid address from the ship to address field in the requisition. The defaulted address must be removed and initiator should search for the building in the keyword search field. All allowable ship to addresses will appear for selection.
To view the list of shipping/mailing addresses available in Workday you can pull up the Shipping and Mailing Locations report. To view all Shipping Addresses loaded select the ‘Has Shipping Address’ checkbox only. To search for a specific building enter the building name in the ‘Location Name’ field (Search Tip: it is best to only enter one word as the system is looking for the exact subset as entered if multiple words) AND select the ‘Has Shipping Address’ checkbox.
If you find that the address needed is not available, a Location Request must be submitted in Workday to have the address enabled for shipping usage. To begin this process, type Create Request in the Workday search bar and select Location Request as the request type. The request must be approved prior to submission of the requisition. The initiator will be notified once the address is made available for use in Workday. The typical turnaround time for addresses to be added in Workday is at minimum 5-7 business days.
The requester on a requisition and subsequent purchase order is automatically assigned to the individual who initiates the transaction. For transactions where the employees who either no longer handle procurement duties or have left the department/university, the requester would need to be changed to transfer ownership saving departments’ the time and effort of recreating requisitions started by the former user.
The task must be initiated by Procurement. Requests to change requisition(s) requesters should be submitted via email to Procurement at [email protected]. The request must include the following:
- Requisition Number(s)
- Purchase Order Number(s)
- Current Requester Name
- Proposed Requester Name
Note: This action does not change the Ship-To-Contact on the PO; Procurement will edit the PO Ship-To-Contact based on this request
Purchase Order numbers can be located several different ways. The most common would be to use the Find Purchase Orders report which can be filtered by supplier name, requester name, requisition number or other pieces of information you may know. If you are the requester of the goods/service, you can use the Purchases worklet to view requisitions you have submitted and through this report the PO number once created will be displayed. Also, if you search for the requisition number in the search bar and view the requisition, the PO number is notated in the Sourced Column of the PO line item(s).
Note: PO cancellation is used when no goods or services have been received or rendered, and no receipts or invoices have been created. This is not the same as a PO change Order or PO Liquidation.
Department must sends an email to [email protected] requesting PO # be cancelled in its entirety. Email must include reason for cancellation and written communication (email sufficient) between the supplier and the department confirming the supplier is in agreement with the cancellation.*
A PO is a legal binding document, therefore we must ensure the supplier is in agreement with the cancellation and be sure the department is aware if the supplier will charge for cancellation or restocking charges.
The submitted request for PO Cancellation will be reviewed and approved by Procurement. Only Procurement staff (those with Buyer or Campus Buyer role) can cancel a PO in its entirety.
*Does not apply to Professional, Specialty and Consulting Services Contracts or Construction. Contact Buyer directly.
- A PO cancellation cannot be issued if there are any receipts or invoices processed against the PO.
- Cancellation of a PO is final and cannot be undone.
Note: PO close (liquidation) is used only when the remaining quantity of goods or services of all PO lines will not be received or rendered, and receipts or invoices have been created. This is different from a PO Change Order and PO Cancellation.
Department must sends an email to [email protected] requesting PO # be liquidated (closed). Email must include reason for liquidation
and written communication (email sufficient) between the supplier and the department
confirming the remaining goods will not be shipped/services will not be rendered.*
A PO is a legal binding document. Liquidation of a PO is still a form of cancellation
in which we must first ensure the supplier is in agreement with the cancellation and
be sure the department is aware if the supplier will charge for cancellation or restocking
The submitted request for PO liquidation will be reviewed and approved by Procurement.
Only Procurement staff (those with Buyer or Campus Buyer role) can cancel a PO in
its entirety.
*Does not apply to Professional, Specialty and Consulting Services Contracts or Construction. Contact Buyer directly.
Note: Closed POs can now be reopened if closed in the current fiscal year (Jul-June) timeframe.
Procurement conducts a mass close of all punch-out catalog purchase orders that have been fully paid on a quarterly basis. Purchase orders for punch-out catalog items with a zero-dollar ($0) balance will be caught in this close.
Any purchase orders for punch-out catalog items with a remaining balance OR non-catalog items will need to be manually closed.
Requests to close/liquidate PARTIALLY RECEIVED/INVOICED POs in the active fiscal year must include reason for closure/liquidation and written communication (email sufficient) between the supplier and the department confirming the remaining goods will not be shipped/services will not be rendered.
Notes: Credit Memos do not guarantee the supplier will not reship or replace items so it is not accepted as supplier documentation to support closure requests.
Requests to close/liquidate FULLY RECEIVED/INVOICED POs for purchases where the PO/contract term have clearly ended OR PO has no remaining encumbrance, documentation from the supplier is not needed. However, departments must note the status of the PO (i.e. contract expired 6/30/20 or $0 encumbrance) in the email for auditing purposes.
Tips of things to check prior to submitting request
Workday will not allow PO closure until pending transactions are processed.
- Run Find Receipts report with filters for your company (campus) and status (draft) to see list of draft POs which must be submitted or canceled before PO closure can occur.
- Run the Supplier Retention Balances report to see the list of construction POs still holding retainage which must first be cleared before PO closure can occur.
- Run Find Supplier Invoices By Worktag report with filters for your worktag and invoice status (approved and in progress) and payment status (unpaid) to see list of POs with pending supplier invoices which must be approved and paid before PO closure can occur.
All requests must be sent to [email protected] or the Buyer directly if PSC or Construction.
The supplier must complete the online registration form to request setup in Workday. LSU Employees are prohibited from submitting applications on behalf of a supplier or individual and should not obtain information required to do so. LSU Employee with the supplier contact information should forwarding the link below to the supplier.
The standard turnaround time for supplier setup in Workday is 3-5 business days. Please plan accordingly.
Enter Create Requisition in the search bar to modify requisition settings. Click OK to begin creating a requisition.
Enter Create Requisition in the search bar to modify requisition settings. Click OK to begin creating a requisition. This will dump all cart items selected and restart the shopping process.
To cancel a requisition once a requisition number has been assigned, enter the requisition number (RQ-000000XXXX) in the search bar to locate the requisition. Select the requisition number to view the requisition information. From the related actions prompt off the requisition number, hover over the Requisition option and select Cancel. Click OK to confirm cancellation of the requisition.
Enter the requisition number (RQ-000000XXXX) in the search bar to locate the requisition. Select the requisition number to view the requisition information. From the related actions prompt off the requisition number, hover over the Procurement option and select Add to Cart. All items will be copied into a new requisition. Click Checkout to edit requisition details and submit requisition.
Changes cannot be made to punch-out/supplier website orders once the PO has been issued. For non-catalog purchases, a change order can be done to modify line information prior to receipt and invoicing only. Once the line has been received OR invoiced, in partial or in full, worktag information cannot be changed; including spend category. A journal entry must be submitted to correct the information after the invoice has been paid.
A receipt is required for all purchases, regardless of spend category or unit cost with the below exceptions:
- Catalog purchases (punch-out/supplier website orders) if the goods line has a spend category that is not tracklable and a unit cost less than $1,000.
- Non-catalog purchases if the service line has a spend category of Subrecipient Payments - Grants and Contracts (SC0084) and a grant worktag.
Receipts can only be created by the Requester (Employee as Self) and users with the Accountant – Department role. Supplier invoices should not be attached to the receipt and instead emailed to [email protected].
Sourcing Buyers are assigned by company and commodity. View list of requisition sourcing buyers and their assignments.
18. If we are invoiced a lower amount than listed on the purchase order, is a change order required?
No, a change order to adjust the amount/unit cost(s) is not needed for LSU Accounts Payable to pay an invoice received with a lower amount/unit cost than what was listed on the purchase order.
Rev. 2/10/2025