Educational Resources

The Office of the Title IX Coordinator offers a variety of trainings. Any student club/organization, academic department, or administrative unit at LSU may submit a request to hold a training or workshop regarding sexual violence prevention, intervention or response. These sessions are provided at no charge to LSU affiliates.

Additionally, there are programs offered around campus to help prevent sexual violence and misconduct.

Note: The items below are resources for training, outreach, and education. If you are in need of resources for a complainant/victim/survivor or respondent, please visit

Online Training and Education (available any time):

  • Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Training Moodle Course: LSU is committed to maintaining a campus environment in which sexual misconduct and discrimination are not tolerated. To help each of you have a successful and safe academic experience, LSU has developed this brief e-course. Please take a moment to complete the course so you can be more aware of how you can help identify and prevent sexual misconduct, and to make yourself aware of what resources LSU offers to students.
    Every student should complete the training once a year to stay abreast of the latest information and services LSU has to offer.
  • Mystudentbody for students: MyStudentBody is a comprehensive, evidence-based, online prevention program aimed at reducing the risk of drug and alcohol abuse and sexual violence among college students.

In-Person Training

  • Safespace: The goal of the Safe Space Campaign is to identify and educate individuals who will affirm and support all people regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. People displaying the Safe Space symbol are committed to combating hatred and discrimination through assistance and support.
  • Rape Aggression Defense Class (RAD): The Wellness and Health Promotion staff collaborates with the LSU Police Department to bring you Rape Aggression Defense Classes, better known as RAD Classes, a 12-hour personal safety course for women. Classes are available to students, staff, faculty, and community members.

Request Training