Title IX
The Office of the Title IX Coordinator exists to:
- Enforce the university’s sex-based discrimination policies
- Educate the community about our policies and practices
- Connect people to resources that can support them if they experience discrimination or retaliation
- Listens to the concerns of the campus community
The Office of the Title IX Coordinator also addresses concerns related to PM-73, Louisiana State University’s policy on sexual misconduct. This policy includes:
- sexual assault
- sexual harassment
- dating and interpersonal violence
- domestic violence
- stalking
- retaliation.
In addition, the Office of the Title IX Coordinator responds to Title IX matters that are not included in PM-73 such as pregnancy or parenting, access and participation, and sex (or perceived sex).
Updates & Information
Title ix updates
A lot of progress is being made in the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX as we are implementing recommendations made by Husch Blackwell and carrying forward our own Title IX action plan. We have two overarching goals for our work: support and prevention. We have been focused on resources, protocol, and communication in order to begin to restore campus trust in our ability to support survivors.
Read full message from Dr. Jane Cassidy
New Website for Sexual Assault Resources
LSU has created a new website that offers help and support to anyone who has been impacted by domestic or sexual violence. The site pulls together in one place the many different resources that are available to our LSU community, from medical and mental health services to the variety of reporting options that survivors can utilize.
Visit the Domestic & Sexual Violence Support and Reporting website.