
Graduate School Tuition Award

The Pinkie Gordon Lane Graduate School Tuition Awards program is a two-year award for incoming graduate students that provides the recipient an exemption for tuition as well as the non-resident fee, if applicable. The recipient will still be responsible for other university fees.

Students do not apply directly to the Graduate School for this award. Departments submit nominations of incoming graduate students who meet the eligibility criteria.

  • For eligibility information, contact the Graduate School.

  • Two-year award
  • Covers tuition and non-resident fee, if applicable
    • (Recipient is responsible for all other fees.)
  • Awards are made on a first-come basis.

  • The deadline for nominations from the departments to be received by the Graduate School is generally in early Spring.
  • Departments can access the most updated deadlines our InfoReady Award Portal.
  • Award nomination must be submitted via our InfoReady Award Portal.

Email questions to [email protected].

Graduate Student Association Travel Award

This award provides reimbursement of approved travel expenses to qualified students who attend widely recognized, professional conferences to present the results of their research.

  • In-State: $100.00
  • Out-of-State: $200.00
  • International: $450.00

Travel awards are contingent upon the availability of funds and the number of types of applications received.

As of May 1, 2021, LSU has resumed business travel. Please reference the Current Travel Policy for more information. Please note that in-state and international travel currently hold different policies. 

  • Be presenting work completed while enrolled at LSU.
  • Be listed as first author of the abstract.
    • Consideration will be given to students who have been invited to exhibit or perform their artistic work.
  • Be enrolled full time during the semester of travel as well as the Fall/Spring semester immediately preceding travel. The student is required to be enrolled full-time and maintain full-time enrollment during the semester of travel. In addition, since all research for the presentation must have been conducted while enrolled at LSU, the student is also required to have been enrolled full-time for at least one regular semester (Fall or Spring) of graduate study at LSU immediately preceding travel. Summer enrollment is not required, but if travel is being requested for conferences during the summer, the student must have been enrolled full-time in the previous Spring semester and either the Summer or upcoming Fall semester.

Please Note: Students departing in the current semester and returning in the next semester must be enrolled full-time in the current semester of travel and the next semester of return from travel. For example, if a student departs in the Fall semester and returns in the Spring semester, the student is required to be enrolled full-time in the Spring semester.

  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Book airfares through the state travel agency, Christopherson Business Travel (CBT).

Students are eligible to receive the following number of Graduate Student Travel Awards:

  • Master’s Degree students – one award during the student’s academic career.
  • Doctoral Students – three awards for the student’s academic career.
  • Students who transition from Master’s to Doctoral programs can receive no more than three awards during their academic career.
    • This includes students involved in dual-enrollment and other related programs.

For more information on appeals for application denial, please refer to the "Appeals Process" section.

The Graduate School will begin accepting applications 90 days before the scheduled travel departure date, and not less than 30 days before departure.  

Note: The GSA Travel Award has strict deadlines. Applications submitted more than 90 days to departure or less than 30 days to departure will not be accepted. Too early or late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.  

Students are responsible for adhering to all set deadlines and submitting the following:

  • A completed application form via InfoReady. Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm (Central Standard Time) on the deadline date.

Attach the following documents to your application:  

1. An Abstract

Depending on the type of presentation, submit either an abstract for a work being presented or an artistic abstract.  

  • Abstract for work being presented. The abstract must include the following:
    • Title of Abstract
    • A list of authors in order of contribution
      Note: Suppose a student’s poster/presentation is in a discipline that requires authors to be listed in alphabetical order rather than in order of contribution. In that case, the student must include a list of authors in order of contribution.
    • Abstract must be Maximum 1 page in length and submitted as a PDF file.   
  • Artistic work abstract submission. The abstract must include the following:
    • A paragraph listing the name of work/exhibit
    • Date and location of the venue
    • A description of student’s participation (i.e., conducting created musical piece, performing in an ensemble, etc.)
    • Maximum 1 page in length and in PDF file format

 2. Proof of Acceptance

Attach proof of acceptance to present at the conference. This attachment may be in the form of a letter or e-mail from conference organizers and/or a copy of the conference program schedule listing the presenter, poster/presentation title, time, etc.  

Additionally, the proof of acceptance must include the following identifying information: 

  • Student author/student email
  • Title of abstract
  • Name of conference
  • Location of conference
  • Date of conference
  • Maximum 3 pages in length and in PDF file format

    Please note that this list is not exhaustive but is a guideline of pertinent identifying information. 

If proof of presentation and abstract criteria is met, the application is then forwarded for further evaluation.

Note: All attached documents must be in English and self-contained in PDF format. No external links or sources will be referenced.

Each application is scored based on whether they meet additional criteria. Each application is scored by all six voting committee members (5 GSA members & Graduate School Associate Dean) for an average score. After all committee members have submitted their evaluation scores, a cutoff score is produced based on the number of applications and the available funds.

Further evaluation criteria for award selection would include:

  • Conference or event type
  • Student conference or event involvement
  • LSU student involvement
  • Number of previously received awards
  • Short response evaluation

  • If you have submitted by the 15th of the month, a response can be expected within 30 days*
    • Ex: If the application was submitted between September 16 and October 15 expect a response by November 15.
    • The GSA Committee will inform students of their decision via email.
*Please take holidays and university closures into consideration.

For further information on denials, please refer to the "Appeals Process" section.

  • Spend Authorization – after award has been received but prior to travel:
    • A Spend Authorization must be submitted and approved before departure
    • Attach the award approval email notification
  • Expense Report – after returning from travel and in order to get reimbursed students must:
    • Complete and submit an Expense Report in Workday.
    • Attach the award approval email notification, AS350 and supplemental documentation to the Expense Report.
    • Students are responsible for providing all required documents to their departmental office promptly upon return from the trip.
    • Departments must then submit travel reimbursement requests to the Travel Office in Accounting Services within the 30 day deadline from date of student return.

GSA travel awards expire thirty days after the scheduled return date.

Students whose application has been denied may resubmit a new application within 5 business days of receiving denial notification. To request an exemption to this requirement, please email [email protected].

Please Note: Students have only two opportunities to reapply for the GSA Travel Award after receiving denial notification. More than two applications after denial for the same travel is not allowed.  

  • Students may file an appeal to [email protected] within 14 days from day of receiving denial notification.
  • Student must submit the following documents:
    • Reason for which the student believes that the decision made was incorrect.
    • Original denial email from GSA Travel Award.
    • Supplemental documentation to contest GSA committee decision.
  • Documentation will be reviewed by a 3rd party within the LSU Graduate School.
  • Appeals will be reviewed but only granted if designated funds have not been exhausted.

For GSA Travel award questions regarding pre-award eligibility, evaluation criteria, application processing, Spend Authorization and Expense Reports, email [email protected].

Dissertation Award

Once your dissertation has been completed and submitted to the Graduate School, you should consider submitting it to any dissertation award contests sponsored by your department and/or professional organizations in your discipline.

Additionally, your department can nominate your dissertation for the Distinguished Dissertation Award, sponsored by the LSU Alumni Association. Two awards are given: one in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, and one in science, engineering, and technology. The award consists of $2,000 along with a certificate. Awards are presented to the doctoral student in each category whose research and writing epitomize superior scholarship. Any student who receives his or her doctoral degree at any of the three commencements in a calendar year is eligible to be nominated. Winning dissertations are chosen by committee of members of the graduate faculty. Recent winners have come from English, Chemical Engineering, Biological Sciences, History, and Physics and Astronomy.

InfoReady Portal

The InfoReady System allows for access and submission of:

  • petitions for a student to hold a Graduate Assistantship while on probation
  • submission of applications for graduate student awards
  • fellowships and additional compensation requests
  • submission of requests for non-Graduate Faculty members to serve on a student's committee
  • nominations to the Graduate Faculty as an Affiliate (Research and/or Professional)
  • other Graduate School resources and forms

Contact Us

Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday

203 West David Boyd Hall
Baton Rouge, LA  70803
Telephone: 225-578-2311

General Email: [email protected]
GSA Travel Award Questions: [email protected]