
The care and safety of students is our number one priority–check out the policies below that support us in these efforts.

Rights & Privacy

The Louisiana State University Student Health Center recognizes its responsibility to respect the basic human rights of all patients who seek treatment here. 

Patient Rights

  1. You have the right to be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity.
  2. You have the right to every consideration of your privacy concerning your care. Student Health Center providers reserve the right to consult with one another on a need-to-know basis. However, these consultations along with examinations, care, and treatment are absolutely confidential and will be treated as such. No health information pertaining to you will be released to others, outside the SHC, without your approval, except when permitted in accordance to HIPAA and as defined in the SHC’s Notice Privacy Practice, which you may request a copy of at any time from the Patient Access desk.
  3. You have the right to ask us not to use or share certain health information for treatment, payment or our operations. We are not required to agree to your request, and we may say “no” if it would affect your care.
  4. You have the right to ask us to amend your health and claims records if you think they are incorrect or incomplete. You may do so by submitting your request to the Privacy Officer of the SHC by email to [email protected]. We may say “no” to your request but will tell you in writing within 60 days of your submission.
  5. You have the right to be provided, to the degree known, complete information concerning your diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and evaluation. When it is professionally inadvisable to give such information to you, the information will be provided to a person designated by you or to a legally authorized person.
    1. If you have given someone medical power of attorney or if someone is your legal guardian that person can exercise your rights and make choices about your health information.
    2. We will make sure the person has this authority and can act for you before we release any information.
  6. You have the right to ask for a list of times we have shared your health information for six years prior to the date you ask, who we shared it with, and why.
  7. We will include all disclosures except for those about treatment, payment, and health operations, and certain other disclosures, such as those you asked us to make.
  8. You have the right to participate in decisions related to your health care, except when such participation is contraindicated for health reasons.
  9. You have the right to request a health care professional of your choice, or to change your health care professional if other qualified professionals are available. You may request a second opinion within the staff of the SHC at any time. You may request a second opinion from a health professional outside the SHC at any time; the fees for outside consultation are your responsibility. You have the right to request to receive your health information through a reasonable alternative means or at an alternative location. For example, you may want us to contact you only at work, or home, or you may not want us to call you at all. If your request is reasonable, we must honor it. If we agree to your request, we must comply with it until we tell you that we will no longer do so.
  10. You have the right to inspect your health information and to obtain a copy of it. We can charge you a reasonable amount for the copy. Your right to look at and copy your health records is contingent upon certain criteria. For example, we can ask you to make your request in writing or, if you come in person, to do so at certain times of the day.
  11. You have the right to revoke any authorization you may have given to us to use or disclose your health information, except to the extent that the action has already been taken.
  12. At your request, you have the right to information regarding:
    1. Your rights as a patient:
    2. Your responsibilities, conduct, and participation as a patient
    3. Available services at the Student Health Center
    4. Provision for after-hours and emergency coverage
    5. Fees for services, payment policies, and explanation of your individual bill
    6. Provider credentialing
    7. Living Will (Patient is asked if they have one upon check-in process or if they’d like more information. You have the right to bring any grievance or suggestion concerning the organization to the attention of the Student Health Center Executive Director.
  13. You have the right to bring any grievance or suggestion concerning the organization to the attention of the Student Health Center Executive Director. You may also provide feedback, including complaints, by completing the brief “Patient Feedback” form or the Student Satisfaction survey on the Student Health Center website.
  14. You have the right to refuse to participate in any research and to have full knowledge of any potential hazard involved.
  15. You have the right to be communicated with in the language or manner primarily used by you and to have staff make reasonable attempts to do so, including a language interpreter if needed.

If you feel that the SHC has violated your rights, or if you have questions and would like additional information, you may contact the Student Health Center Privacy Officer at 578-WELL (9355).

If you are not satisfied with the manner in which this office handles a complaint, you may submit a formal complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights by visiting www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/complaints/, or by sending a letter to:

DHHS Region VI, Regional Manager
US DHHS, Office for Civil Rights
1301 Young Street, Suite 1169
Dallas, TX 75202
Office (800) 368-1019 TDD (800) 537-7697 FAX (214) 767-0432

You will not be penalized or retaliated against in any way for filing a complaint.

Patient Responsibilities

The Student Health Center Staff cares for the well-being of the Louisiana State University students and values a collaborative partnership with the patient and the health care team working together. You will be expected, within the limits of your abilities, to share in the responsibility for your health care.

  1. You have the responsibility to keep appointments. If you cannot keep a scheduled appointment, you must contact the Student Health Center in a timely manner. Failure to do so could result in a no-show fee. 
  2. You have the responsibility to provide complete and accurate information, to the best of your ability, regarding your health, allergies and sensitivities, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications (including over-the-counter and dietary supplements) and other matters relating to your health.
  3. You have the responsibility to cooperate with all Student Health Center personnel caring for you, and to ask questions if you do not understand any information given to you.
  4. You have the responsibility to follow the treatment plan prescribed by your health care professional and participate in your care.
  5. You have the responsibility to promptly pay your bills, to ask questions you may have concerning your bills, and to provide the information necessary for insurance processing. You are also responsible for any charges not covered by your insurance.
  6. You have the responsibility to be respectful of all staff and others in the Student Health Center, of other people’s property, and that of the Student Health Center.
  7. You have the responsibility to abide by the Student Health Center rules and regulations.
  8. You have the responsibility to act in consideration of the health of others.
  9. You have the responsibility to arrange a responsible adult to provide transportation home and to remain with them as directed by the provider or as indicated on discharge instructions.

The Patient Access Department is responsible for the collection, processing, storage, maintenance, retrieval, distribution, security and confidentiality of all patient's medical records. It is responsible for assuring that all clinical information relevant to a patient is accessible to authorized health care providers. For mental health records, contact the Mental Health Service at 225-578-8774.

Requests for copies of your medical records are made using the Release of Information form. A copy of a picture ID must be submitted with the form for ID verification purposes. If you have any questions, please contact Medical Records at 225-578-5672 or [email protected]

Authorizations may be faxed to 225-578-0596, emailed, mailed or brought to us. Results of medical diagnostic tests will not be released before your doctor or nurse has informed you of the results.

View Release of Information.

Request for Change of Name or Social Security number must be submitted in writing or in person to The Office of the University Registrar.

Learn More

As outlined in the Patient’s Rights & Responsibilities above, all patients have the right to every consideration of privacy concerning their care. All aspects of care, discussion, consultation, examination, treatment and documentation are absolutely confidential and must be treated as such.

In addition to the Notice of Privacy Practices Policy (see attached) that is provided to all patients, the Student Health Center (SHC) will assure:

  1. All care givers close examination doors when patients are brought to examination rooms unless the health care professional and/or patient’s safety is an issue.
  2. Electronic Health Record information and /or paper work is not accessible (open computer, written documentation, etc.) to the patient waiting to be examined by the provider or visible while passing through the work area.
  3. Privacy drapes are drawn so the patient cannot be viewed by people passing by, should the door be opened momentarily.
  4. Any conversation regarding patients must be guarded so that people passing by or in the nearby area cannot accidentally overhear.
  5. Health information pertaining to the patient may not be released without a signed written consent form, except when required by law.
  6. Any paper work containing Protected Health Information (PHI)is shredded in the SHC shredder and not discarded in the regular trash bin.

Only authorized staff and designated Student Health Center professionals shall be allowed in the patient care areas. Visitors of the patient may be allowed in the patient care areas, at the discretion of the medical provider and with the consent of the patient.

Health care industry representatives, pharmaceutical representatives, and surveyors should check in at the front desk, state their reason for the visit, and then be escorted to the designated non-patient care area. Access to patient care areas shall only be granted to these representatives if deemed necessary for their visit and with the consent of the patient.

All other visitors of the Student Health Center shall be directed to Administration for appropriate routing and directions.

View the Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information

Access to Services

Our Policy 

The LSU Student Health Center clinicians, with the approval of the Office of Academic Affairs, do not provide class excuses. If a student has an illness, injury, or deterioration in mental health status that would impact class attendance, assignments or exams, we encourage the student to follow the process below.

  1. Communicate directly with the instructor/faculty member and allow a reasonable amount of time for a response. The following documentation may be included, if treated at the Student Health Center:
    • A copy of the appointment confirmation email or
    • A copy of the appointment statement which can be found on the Patient Portal; the financial and health information may be removed by the student prior to sending.  
  2. Contact the department chair if no response or what is considered to be an unfair response is received and allow for a reasonable amount of time for a response.
  3. Contact the dean of the college with any challenges, only after every effort to resolve the issue at the departmental level, as listed above, is made without success.

Our Intent

It is the intent of this policy to help the Student Health Center direct its limited resources to fulfilling its mission of providing quality health care rather than attempting to legitimize a student's decision whether or not they are well enough to attend class. Many health issues are mild and self limited, and can be managed quite well by the individual on their own at home. An appointment made of the sole purpose of obtaining documentation to excuse an absence involves the inefficient use of time and resources on both the part of the student and the Health Center, and serves no healthcare function. An absence from class is an administrative matter, not a healthcare one, and the resolution of this matter is between faculty and students. It is the student's responsibility to communicate directly with the faculty regarding conditions that may interfere with attendance, and any decision about the impact of the absence rests with the instructors.


If a student misses extensive class work due to a prolonged health issue or serious injury that was treated at the Student Health Center, the clinician will work with the student to provide appropriate documentation. Respecting a student's right to privacy, we cannot release any health information unless the student has signed an Authorization to Release Health Records form.

This policy was initiated in the Summer of 2000, with the approval of the Office of Academic Affairs. It is compliant with the University Policy Statement 22, Revision 3, concerning Student Absence from Class. Further, it is consistent with recommendations of the American College Health Association, as well as the policies of our peer institutions.

The provision of safe, effective heath care is based on a relationship of mutual trust and respect between the health care provider and the patient. Occasionally this relationship may be seriously disrupted by acts or omissions of the patient or others thus requiring the dismissal of the patient from care and/or loss of eligibility for care.

Situations that may warrant dismissal of a patient from care, or loss of eligibility for care, at the Student Health Center (SHC) include:

  • Persistent refusal to follow, or a history of failure to comply with, prescribed treatment protocols and procedures, including refusal to accept referral to a higher level of care due to the patient’s complex medical and/or mental health problems which are beyond the resources/capacity of the SHC.
  • Tampering, altering, or otherwise improper or illegal use of prescriptions or medications.
  • Misrepresentation of identity or other information provided to the SHC.
  • Disruptive, persistently rude or otherwise offensive behavior toward staff members, patients or visitors.
  • Violent or aggressive behavior or threats (with or without physical contact) directed toward staff members, patients or visitors.
  • Failure to comply with behavioral standards included in the LSU Code of Student Conduct or other University policies or procedures.

Situations that may warrant dismissal from care, or loss of eligibility for care, may be referred by any concerned staff member to the Executive Director. The complaint will be reviewed by the Executive Director, in conjunction with the service unit directors. An affirmative decision to dismiss a patient from care or loss of eligibility for care will apply to all service units in the SHC unless specifically stated otherwise. If evidence exists of a breach of the Code of Student Conduct, the Executive Director will notify the Dean of Students. 

The Student Health Center provides welcoming, safe, and respectful environment for all students. We provide services which are sensitive to all individuals regardless of background including race, creed, color, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, sex, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, or veteran’s status.

Section I: Eligibility for Student Health Center (SHC) Services

  1. LSU Students
    1. Full-Time Students: All students who are identified by the University as full-time students pay the Student Health Fee, which is included in their tuition and fees.
    2. Part-Time Students: Part-time students have the option to pay the Student Health Fee. They can elect to pay the fee when they register for classes or at any time during the semester. They start receiving services at the time they pay the fee. If a student has dropped from full-time to part-time status during a semester and has received a full or partial refund of the Student Health Fee from the Office of Bursar Operations, that student must repay the remainder of the SHC to continue to be eligible.
    3. Students Not Enrolled During the Summer: Students who are not enrolled in the Summer semester, but were enrolled in LSU (part-time or full-time) the prior Spring semester and have classes scheduled for the Fall semester continue to be eligible for services, if they pay the Student Health Fee. "Classes scheduled” means classes are scheduled as verified in the University system. It does not necessarily mean fees are paid.

      Non-enrolled students who have the option to buy and students who have not paid the Student Health Center Fee are allowed to continue receiving contraceptive or allergy injections or if they are in the midst of a series, and they will only be charged for the injections. However, if they wish to access any other services, they must pay the Student Health Center Fee.
    4. Follow Up Visits: Students who are enrolled or eligible may be allowed to have a simple follow up visit based on the provider's recommendation and need to reassess a new issue treated at the end of the eligibility period. The follow up visit should be scheduled at the time of the last visit (during the eligibility period).
    5. Students Who Resign: If a student resigns from the University and receives a refund of any portion of his/her Student Health Fee, that student is ineligible for further SHC services until such time as he/she regains his/her eligibility pursuant to Sections I.A.1, I.A.2, and/or I.A.3 of this policy; provided, however, that upon resignation, that student is eligible for one follow-up visit within 30 days as necessary at the discretion of the provider.

      If a student resigns from the University and does not receive a refund of any portion of his/her Student Health Fee, then that student remains eligible for services ONLY if s/he has classes scheduled for the following semester; if that student does not have classes scheduled for the following semester, s/he becomes ineligible for service except for one follow-up visit. Non-student spouses lose their eligibility if, and when, their student spouse does.
  2. Non-LSU Students
    1. Non-Student Legal Spouses: If their student spouse is eligible to pay for services, non-student spouses have the option to pay the Student Health Fee, and have access to the same services. Students must sign an agreement each semester on the Fee Schedule Form acknowledging that they will be billed for their spouse's semester fee and other charges.
    2. Children: Children of students are not eligible for SHC services. If they are covered by the University-sponsored student insurance plan, a list of preferred providers is available under the “Insurance and Fees” tab located on the SHC website www.lsu.edu/shc.
    3. New Entering Students: New students entering LSU, once they have scheduled classes, are eligible to receive immunizations and the TB test during the prior semester, without paying a fee other than the cost of the injection/ test, due at the time of service. Students who have scheduled classes for the Fall semester are eligible for all services beginning the day after Spring commencement, if they pay the Student Health Fee.
  3. LSU Employees
    1. LSU employees are eligible for the following SHC services (Charges are applicable.):
      1. Flu and Covid Vaccines (when available).
      2. Allergy injections.
      3. Employees may obtain SHC services, related to the scope of the departmental duties, with prior written departmental authorization. The authorization must include: sponsoring University department name and account number, which SHC service the department is requesting, patient name and LSUID.
  4. LSU Retirees
    1. LSU retirees are eligible for the same services as LSU employees. Payment is due at the time of service.
  5. Visitors
    1. Individuals who are visiting campus on official University business are eligible for SHC primary medical care services. Special consideration may be given to and/or financial arrangements made with large groups, based on the Executive Director’s discretion.
  6. Special Programs
    1. Individuals who are enrolled in a special program at the University are eligible for SHC primary medical care services, if a departmental contractual agreement exists. Payment is defined in the terms of the individual special program agreement.

Section II: Semester Definition

  1. Fall Semester: The Fall Semester begins the day after Summer commencement and ends December 31. Fall intercession is considered part of the Fall Semester.
  2. Spring Semester: The Spring Semester begins January 1 and ends the day of Spring commencement. Spring intercession is considered part of Spring Semester.
  3. Summer Term: The Summer Term begins the day after Spring commencement and ends the day of Summer commencement. Summer intercession is considered part of Summer Term.

Section III: Charges for Student Health Center Services

  1. Service Charges
    1. Medical Clinics/ Ancillary Services: There are charges for visits to clinicians in the Medical Clinic, the Gynecology Clinic and the Specialty Clinics in addition to charges for diagnostic imaging, laboratory, injections, pathology specimens, and other special procedures.
    2. Mental Health Service Charges: There are no additional charges for visits to see a clinician in Mental Health Service, with the exception of the psychiatrist. Additional charges apply for testing and other services.
    3. Wellness and Health Promotion Charges: There are no additional charges for services in the Office of Wellness and Health Promotion.
  2. Refunds of Fees/ Charges
    1. It is the policy of the Student Health Center not to refund semester fees or charges for services provided in good faith. A student may request a refund in writing to: Executive Director, Student Health Center, 16 Infirmary Lane, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803.
  3. Fee Schedule
    1. Fall and Spring Semesters
      1. Full-time students: $185 Student Health Fee (included in tuition and fees)
      2. Part-time students: $185 Student Health Fee (option to buy)
      3. Non-student legal spouses: $185 Student Health Fee (student spouse must be eligible to pay for services)
    2. Summer Term
      1. Students with six or more credit hours: $105 Student Health Fee (included in tuition and fees)
      2. Students with less than six credit hours: $105 Student Health Fee (option to buy)
      3. Non-student legal spouses: $105 Student Health Fee (student spouse must be eligible to pay for services)

External Relations

Campus blood drives are recognized as a campus activity and therefore considered to be an “invited” function for the LSU campus. All donor agencies are considered the invitee. Each individual agency/sponsoring organization is responsible for educating their respective representatives concerning the following policies and procedures. 


All blood drives held on the LSU campus are to be requested at least 14 workdays prior via Tiger Link or the LSU Student Health Center (SHC) representative. The Parking Reservation Form must be completed (by the organization requesting the drive) with the Office of Parking and Transportation following approval by the Student Health Center.

Annual Blood Drive Schedule

The schedule for campus-wide blood drives will be determined at the annual meeting of all donor agencies and the LSU Student Health Center held in spring/summer each year. This only applies to campus-wide blood drives. The rotation and placement for mobile units will be determined at the annual meeting. Final approval is required from the Director of Parking and Transportation. 

Drive Location/Parking

Presently, all mobile units park on Tower Drive for campus-wide drives. The Student Health Center will be responsible for making the reservation on Tower Drive, but donor agencies are responsible for coordinating with LSU Parking to ensure their mobile units are allowed to park on LSU’s campus. Donor agencies are responsible for payment of parking passes via the Office of Parking and Transportation. Agencies without a mobile unit will reserve space within the Student Union (respective agency organization is responsible for making the reservation). All reservations will be submitted to LSU Auxiliary Services. The reservation form is found on the union website under the forms drop down menu. 

Schedule Changes

Any/all changes in schedule dates or locations require approval by the Student Health Center representative at which time all agencies will be notified prior to executing the changes. If, at any time, a single agency is unable to fulfill their scheduled commitment at a particular location/time on the LSU campus, they are to notify the LSU Student Health Center representative as soon as possible so that an alternative plan may be formulated. 

Emergency Blood Drives

Emergency Blood Drives are permitted; however, the requesting party must follow all approval and registration procedures as explained in this document with the exception of the 14-day request time. 


The LSU Student Health Center will coordinate designing and requesting advertising space to promote blood drives. Individual agency posters are to be delivered to the Office of Wellness and Health Promotion two weeks prior to the blood drive. The Office of Wellness and Health Promotion staff will place the posters in appropriate locations. Individual agencies may procure additional publicity through student media; however, all drives and agencies must be listed/mentioned in any communication. 

Sustenance and Incentives

Minimal snacks such as candy bars, crackers, soft drinks, and/or fruit juice may be provided to donors. T-shirts supplied by the blood donor agency may be distributed to donors. Any design referencing LSU, Tigers, etc., must be approved by the appropriate campus office. Not allowed: hotdogs, hamburgers, sandwiches, drink coupons. Large prize give-a-ways such as televisions, computers, vacations, etc., are also prohibited. 


Should any of the above policies be disregarded, the sponsoring group or blood donor agency engaging in the infraction will no longer be allowed/ invited to participate in LSU Campus Blood Drives.

Blood Drive Frequency

To maximize donations to existing annual blood drives, requests for blood drives from campus partners may be denied if the proposed date is within 7 days of an existing drive. If a request is denied for this reason, the campus partner making the request will be given the option to partner or “adopt” the existing annual blood drive within that timeframe. This policy section does not apply to qualifying emergency blood drives.

Members of the Media

The Student Health Center staff is happy to share information about emerging health issues as well as available health services. We welcome the chance to dialogue with you, members of the media. However, in order to protect the privacy of our patients and clients, no audio recordings, no video, digital, or still photography, and no reporters are allowed in our facilities or at programs we present without permission of the Student Health Center administration. Further, we request that you provide a reasonable timeframe, at least 48 hours, in which to accommodate your request. 

To request an interview or photograph

Contact LSU Strategic Communications through either Zach Labbe ([email protected]) or Abbigail Laymoun ([email protected]) for assistance in identifying the appropriate contacts at the Student Health Center

Background research

Please review the Student Health Center website in its entirety to obtain more information about our services and upcoming initiatives.

Media Management Policy

In keeping with the educational mission of the University, the Student Health Center staff, when able, will be available to share information about emerging health issues as well as health services available at the Student Health Center with members of the media. However, in order to protect the privacy of our patients and clients, no audio recordings, no video, digital, or still photography, and no reporters are allowed in our facilities or at programs we present without permission of the administration.

The Executive Director will serve as the primary contact for all media request. S/he will then delegate the request to the individual most appropriate to manage it, based on their expertise and availability.

All local, regional, and national media requests require approval of LSU Strategic Communications. 

Requests should be made at least 48 hours prior to the stated deadline. If given shorter notice, the request may be denied.

Representatives from the media will be directed to the Health Center website, www.lsu.edu/shc, as part of their background research, to review information on Student Health Center services and upcoming initiatives.