

Maria Rethelyi

[email protected]

Director, Jewish Studies Program

Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Education: Ph.D., University of Chicago (2009)

Research Interests: Modern Hungarian Jewish history ad literature, Jewish race theories, Women and Religion, Gender Studies, History of Nationalism and Orientalism, Modern Jewish Thought

Recent Essays: “The Birth Metaphor in Anna Lesznai’s Difference Feminism” Women in Judaism 18/1. (2022); “Hungarian Jewish Stories of Origin: Samuel Kohn, the Khazar Connection and the Conquest of the Land,” Hungarian Cultural Studies 14 (2021), pp. 52-64; “The Context and Subtext of Goldziher's Memorial Lecture on Vambery,” Hungarian Studies 34/2 (2021), pp. 259-81.


Joseph Kronick

[email protected]

Professor, Department of English

Education: Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles (1981)

Research Interests: American literature, modernism, philosophy and literature

Books: American Poetics of History: From Emerson to the Moderns (LSU Press, 1984); Derrida and the Future of Literature (SUNY Press, 1999).

Recent Essays: “Biography as De-Facement: A Response to Evelyn Barish on Paul de Man.” South Atlantic Review, 82.1 (Spring 2017): 105-22; “Levinas and the Plot Against Literature.” Philosophy and Literature, 40.1 (April 2016): 265-71; “The Betrayal of Love: The Golden Bowl and Levinasian Ethics.” The Henry James Review, 37:1 (Winter 2016): 1-19; “The Passages of Jacques Derrida: Between Philosophy and Biography.” [Review Essay] South Atlantic Review, 81:2 (Summer 2016): 210-31.


Mark Wagner

[email protected]

Professor of Arabic and Section Head

Education: Ph.D., New York University, 2004

Research and Teaching interests include: Classical Arabic literature, Arabic vernacular literature, Islamic law, Muslim-Jewish relations.

Book: Like Joseph in Beauty: Yemeni Vernacular Poetry and Arab-Jewish Symbiosis (Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures, 2008)

Recent Awards: SIAS Summer Institute fellowship, AIYS research grant, National Foundation for Jewish Culture dissertation fellowship