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Contact Information

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Join Us

Membership is on an annual basis. Note: The membership fee is waived for the first year. Please submit your membership fee by cash or check to William Ma at 220 Design Building, College of Art and Design, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.

Please consider donating to the A/AAPI Faculty and Staff Caucus. All donations will help the caucus sponsor the educational, cultural, and social events central to our mission. No amount is too small! Please submit your donation by cash or check to William Ma at 220 Design Building, College of Art and Design, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.

I authorize that all information provided on this form, including any and all personal, financial and academic data may be shared with the LSU Asian and Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus to process membership fees and donations. This data will be securely retained for 3 years or until the membership affiliation with the caucus ends, whichever is later. To learn more about privacy at LSU, please see the LSU Privacy Statement.