Environmental Sciences Directory

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Department Chair

Kevin Armbrust Kevin L. Armbrust
Professor and Chair, Claiborne Gasoline Company Chair in Air Quality/Environmental Toxicology
[email protected] 
1279 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
My overall research programs cover the movement, disposition and ultimate degradation/fate and toxicity of chemicals in environmental matrices (water, sediment and biota) with a focus on Louisiana watersheds, wetlands and coastal areas. We develop laboratory and field methods to assess important biological and physical dissipation processes in surface soils/sediments as well as near surface water and measuring contributions of chemical loads by different use patterns to non-target freshwater and marine watersheds. We have programs assessing the transport of pesticides, petrochemicals, and human health pharmaceuticals and their degradation products in soil and water, the influence of sunlight on their degradation and toxicity in soil and water, environmental and biological processes influencing pesticide and pharmaceutical degradation, and the environmental impact of pesticides and pharmaceutical products. We also have projects assessing amounts of chemical contamination in manufactured and retail food and animal feed and the impacts on human health. There is a strong emphasis on research as it impacts regulatory science in ecological and human health risk assessment such that the best available science is incorporated into regulatory and policy decisions at the state, national and international levels.

Lily PhamLily Pham
Assistant to the Chair
[email protected]

Victoria BessonetVictoria Bessonet Roberts
Academic Coordinator
[email protected] 
[email protected] 

Faculty (A-Z)

Rebeca CrespoRebeca de Jesús Crespo
Assistant Professor
[email protected] 
1263 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Landscape Ecology, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Drivers of Human Health and Well Being, Watershed Management, Sustainable Development

Jonathon DoeringJon Doering
Assistant Professor
[email protected] 
1267 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Ecotoxicology, molecular toxicology, predictive toxicology, species extrapolation, ecological risk assessment

Thomas DouthatThomas Douthat
Assistant Professor
[email protected] 
2111 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
I study how place based systems adapt to social, economic, and environmental change through the lenses of law, planning and policy, and economic geography. My work has involved diverse subjects ranging from coffee to transportation, and spans both rural and urban areas. I approach problems through the prism of my background in the fields of environmental planning and governance, spatial analysis, and law, and seek to create practical solutions for a more equitable and resilient society. This involves adaptation in socio-environmental systems (e.g. coastal communities, and agriculture), linkages between environmental and economic systems, and sustainable transportation.

Linda HooperLinda Hooper-Bùi
[email protected] 
1249 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Community structure, niche theory, disturbance/disaster ecology and multi-stressors in ecosystems, climate change and sea-level rise, intricate details of basic biology about how insects and spiders survive stressors, food webs and nutrient dynamics – from large scale to minuscule

Aixin HouAixin Hou
Professor and Shell Professor in Oceanography/Wetland Studies
[email protected] 
1225 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Microbial ecology; biogeochemistry; water quality


Crystal JohnsonCrystal N. Johnson
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
2283 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
I am currently examining how Vibrio spp. (V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, and V. cholerae) respond to environmental cues, including sea surface temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, turbidity, suspended particulate matter, and dissolved organic carbon. It is well-established that temperature affects the levels of these naturally occurring marine bacteria (i.e., their levels are higher in warmer months and lower in cooler months), but it remains unclear what combinations of other environmental factors contribute to the variations in vibrio levels.

Yong-Ha KimYong-Ha Kim
Assistant Professor
[email protected] 
1261 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
With the goal of developing new principles and technologies that can improve the quality of human life and lead to sustainable development, my research is focused on the fundamentals of colloid and surface science and radiation chemistry and physics, and their applications in environmental engineering and science. My current research interests include colloidal phenomena and contaminant transport modeling in environmental systems, radiation dosimetry and indoor air quality, and chemical and environmental process intensification.   

Nina LamNina Lam
Professor & Abraham Distinguished Professor of Louisiana Environmental Studies
[email protected] 
2275 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Geographic information science, remote sensing; spatial analysis, environmental health, disaster resilience, sustainability

Ed LawsEdward Laws
[email protected] 
3141 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
phytoplankton ecology, water pollution, climate change


Slawomir LomnickiSlawomir Lomnicki
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
1251 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Homogeneous catalysis; Combustion processes; Reactivity and properties of nanoparticles; Biological interactions of nanoparticles

Supratik MukhopadhyaySupratik Mukhopadhyay
[email protected]
2067 Energy, Coast & Environment Building
Research Interests:
Artificial intelligence with applications to the environment and healthcare


Margaret ReamsMargaret A. Reams
[email protected] 
2115 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Environmental policy and management; resilience; sustainability


Brian SnyderBrian Snyder
Associate Professor and Director, CC&E Undergraduate Programs
[email protected] 
1109 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Renewable energy systems, climate policy, energy flow through human systems

Bikram SubediBikram Subedi
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
1261 Energy, Coast and Enviroment Building
Research Interests:
Development of analytical methods for trace level chemical contaminants; Wastewater-based Epidemiology – community level prevalence of illicit drugs and New Psychoactive Substances (fentanyl/cathinones/cannabinoids, xylazine, etc.); Understanding environmental sources, pathways, distribution, trophic status, and overall impact of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), micro/nanoplastics, plasticizers, and POPs on environmental health

Vince WilsonVincent L. Wilson
[email protected] 
1253 Energy, Coast and Environment Building

Emeritus Faculty

David DismukesDavid Dismukes
Emeritus Professor, Executive Director and Professor Center for Energy Studies
[email protected] 
1069 Energy, Coast and Environment Building



Martin Hugh-Jones
Emeritus Professor
[email protected] 
2279 Energy, Coast and Environment Building

Ed OvertonEdward Overton
Emeritus Professor
[email protected] 
1265 Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Research Interests:
Analytical-Environmental Chemistry – trace organic analyses using high resolution separation techniques and high resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; environmental monitoring; environmental analyses and their associated data interpretation, management and presentation techniques; application of analytical techniques and chemical principles to emergency spill responses; chemical hazard evaluations and risk assessments; analytical instrument development for use with hazardous chemical spill incidents, ambient environmental monitoring, and monitoring in closed (indoor) environments; and development of methods to detect, assess and mitigate environmental chemical hazards

Lawrence J. Rouse
Emeritus Professor
[email protected] 
1225 Energy, Coast and Environment Building


Adjunct Faculty

Kristen Antoine-MorseKristen Antoine-Morse
Adjunct Professor, Deparment of Environmental Sciences
[email protected]
Research Interests:
STEM Teaching; Culturally Relative Pedagogy



Dr. Wesley GrayWesley Gray
Adjunct Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Genomics, Biochemistry, Applications of ML to Biological Sciences



Songjie HeSongjie He
Adjunct Professor, Deparment of Environmental Sciences, Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Carbon and nutrient cycling in coastal wetlands, such as marsh lateral carbon fluxes and air-water greenhouse gas fluxes in marshes

James Nguyen H. SpencerJames Nguyen H. Spencer
Adjunct Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Vice Provost & Dean, Pinkie Gordon Lane Graduate School
Research Interests:
Urban and Regional Planning



Greg UptonGreg Upton
Adjunct Professor, Deparment of Environmental Sciences, Executive Director & Associate Research Professor, Center for Energy Studies
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Intersection of energy and environmental economics



Research Associates and Post-Doctoral Researchers

Laura Basirico
[email protected] 
1177 Energy, Coast and Environment Building

Farhana Hasan
[email protected]
2280 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Lingqi Ma
[email protected]
3141 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Patricia Matute
[email protected]
1257 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Amit Ranjan
[email protected]
2067 Energy, Coast & Environment Building