Book Our Spaces with Event Management

LSU Auxiliary Services Event Management Office is responsible for the reservation of event spaces in and around the LSU Student Union.
We are excited that you are considering the LSU Student Union for your upcoming event and can't wait to help you book our space!

Please note the following:

  • We are currently accepting reservation requests for meetings or events through May 31, 2025.
  • The Event Management staff is available Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. via email at [email protected] (excluding University closures or holidays).

  • No signs can be taped to any portion of the building.
  • Sandwich boards or easel stands are not permitted in public spaces.
  • Event Management can provide sign stands for events when requested by the deadline. 

LSU Auxiliary Services must approve all decorations
prior to the event.

  • Prohibited items include: open flames, smoke/fog machines, glitter, streamers, confetti, and all balloons.
  • Chalk, paint, or any other materials should not be used on the building or sidewalks.
  • Items should not be affixed to the walls, windows, doors, floors, columns, light fixtures, or hung from ceilings.
  • Inflatables may be allowed, only with prior approval by LSU Auxiliary Services. Dimensions and power requirements should be submitted with the reservation request.

  • Per University policy (PS-60), all food and beverage must be provided by an LSU approved vendor. *Noncompliance will result in the party being asked to immediately remove all items.
  • LSU Auxiliary Services personnel will not accept deliveries.
  • Vendors outside of LSU Catering will not have access to the Union kitchens or serving spaces.
  • Deliveries should be made at the front of the
    building. Temporary access to the main loading dock must be requested and confirmed by LSU Auxiliary Services. *Unapproved vendors using the loading dock will be asked to move immediately.
  • Parking will need to be secured via LSU Parking by the event organizer. Loading dock access is for drop off only.
  • Event organizers are responsible for ensuring all items are removed from the event space post event. *Noncompliance will result in a minimum $100 cleaning fee.

LSU Approved Vendors

Reservation Guidelines

Please read the guidelines below in accordance with your organization, department, or off-campus entity. Additional policies for specific activities or areas may also apply.

Student OrganizationsLSU Departments/DivisionsOff Campus Entities


Meetings and Events through May 31, 2026:

Reservation Form


See Our Spaces

Please view our meeting space options here:


LSU Approved Vendor List

Looking to cater your event/meeting? You must order from an LSU approved vendor from the list below:



Meeting & event space Booking information

*All equipment must be requested by the appropriate deadline.*
Please review the list below for details and access prices (check your space to see if it's applicable here).

Physical Equipment

Portable Panels: $25/panel
Event Tables (round and rectangle): $5 
Event Chairs: No charge
Sign Stands & Stanchions: No charge
Podiums: No charge
Flags: No charge
Trash Cans: No charge

Audio Visual Access

All of our conference rooms along with International, Red River, and Feliciana are equipped with large presentation monitors, web cams and conference tablets. The Atchafalaya, Castilian, Vieux Carre, Magnolia, and Capital Chamber also have dedicated AV. Please review our AV Guide for further information.

Presentation Equipment

Laptop: $80 
Data Projectors: $80 
Rear view Screen: $50
Microphones (wireless, lapel): $30
LED Color Lights: $30 
Screens: $25
Podium Microphones: No charge (for first one)
AV Carts: No charge
PCDI: No charge
Microphones (wired): No charge

The Event Management Office also accepts reservation requests for certain outside areas on the LSU campus to include:

  • Acadian Field
  • Greek Theater
  • Natatorium Field
  • Oak Grove
  • Parade Grounds

*for more on how to book these spaces, please see your designated guidelines above*

This area is available for expressive activities.

  • This expressly excludes commercial activities where individuals or groups are being compensated or attempting to advertise, market, or accrue financial gain to any individual, corporation, business, or organization.
  • Individuals or groups are permitted to use this area without reservation or approval.
  • Those wishing to occupy this space, may do so on a first-come basis. Reservations are not needed/accepted for this area.  
  • Equipment or furnishings will not be provided by LSU Auxiliary Services. 
  • Groups may bring a 10x10 tent but it must be placed behind the table. Any tents or structures must be secured via a  method that does not penetrate the surface of the ground. Acceptable methods include sand bags, water filled barrels, counterweights, etc.
  • Activities must not restrict traffic flow, interfere with other tables, or substantially disrupt educational activities or other University business.
  • In the case of inclement weather, there will not be indoor space available. Failure to properly clean up a space after use may result in forfeiture of the right to utilize space in the future.

Which catering vendors are allowed in the LSU Student Union?
We allow any APPROVED LSU catering vendor to serve food or beverages in the LSU Student Union.

Where do I get tables, chairs, or other equipment for the LSU Parade Ground?
Please contact LSU Facility Services at [email protected] or 225-578-3186.

How do I reserve parking for my event in the LSU Student Union?
Please complete the Reserved Space Request Form with LSU Parking. 

How do I set up guest wi-fi for my non-LSU event guests?
LSU Faculty and Staff can request a NetGuest Account for campus visitor. Please complete the form with LSU ITS. Off Campus groups should contact Event Management at [email protected] or 225-578-5959.

Can I display flyers or signage in the LSU Student Union?
LSU has gone digital! So signs cannot be taped to any portion of the walls, columns, or doors. Requesting digital signage can be done through our request form.

What are the definitions of the different set up options

  • Lecture Seating: Rows of Chairs only
  • Dining Seating: Round tables with Chairs
  • Classroom Seating: Rectangle tables with Chairs placed on one side facing forward.
  • Hollow Square Seating: Rectangle tables in a hollow square set up with chairs placed around the exterior.
  • U-Shape Seating: Rectangle tables placed in a U-shape with chairs placed around exterior.
  • Clear Room: an empty room with no furniture

What is the approval process for a Registered Student Organization?
Please complete the Event Management – Reserve a Space Request Form. If the space is available, you will receive a tentative confirmation. Your confirmation remains tentative until we receive TigerLink approval. We do require TigerLink approval by 9:00 a.m. two business days before your event. If we do not receive that approval notification, your event will be cancelled. Please review our Student Event Management Policies as well as the Event Flow Chart for Registered Student Organizations via LSU Campus Life.

The LSU Student Union Building Policies

All persons are expected to respect all facilities and the rights of others as well as abide by University policies and all laws. Any person engaging in disorderly conduct, including verbal or physical, is subject to immediate removal. See our home page for the full list of our Building Policies.

Inclement Weather Information

If the University is closed due to inclement weather, all reservations in the LSU Student Union will be automatically cancelled.

Contact Us

Phone: 225-578-5959

Email Event Management

Event Management Office
310 LSU Student Union
Baton Rouge, LA 70803