Faculty and Staff




Name Title Area of Expertise

Dr. quang Cao

Dr. Quang Cao


Forest Biometrics, Mensuration

Dr. Sun J. Chang

Dr. Sun J. Chang


Forest Management, Forest Economics, Wood Products Utilization and Marketing

Dr. Thomas Dean

Dr. Thomas Dean


Quantitative Silviculture, Production Ecology, Stand Dynamics

Dr. Cornelis deHoop

Dr. Cornelis deHoop

Associate Professor

Environmental Safety, Timber Harvesting, Business In Forest Products

Dr. Kristen E. DeMarco

Dr. Kristen E. DeMarco


Wetland and Estuarine Ecology, Conservation Science, Coastal Restoration and Management, Spatial Ecology

Dr. Hallie Dozier

Dr. Hallie Dozier

Associate Professor

Forest and Natural Resource Ecology, Ecology and Management Of Biological Invasions, Invasive Plants, Urban & Community Forestry

Dr. Drew Fowler

Dr. Drew Fowler

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Assistant Unit Leader, USGS Louisiana Coop Fish & Wildlife Research Unit

Waterfowl ecology, wetland habitat management, wildlife management, landscape ecology

Dr. Maria Gutierrez-Wing

Dr. Maria Gutierrez-Wing

Assistant Professor of Research

Assistant Director, Aquatic Germplasm and Genetic Resources Center (AGGRC)


Garrett Hopper

Dr. Garrett Hopper

Assistant Professor

Identifying processes driving species diversity and habitat associations; how global change influences the relationship between animal diversity and freshwater ecosystem function.

Dr. Mike Kaller

Dr. Mike Kaller


George William Barineau Professor

Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies

Fisheries, Aquatic Insects and Invertebrates, and Aquatic Ecology

Dr. William Kelso

Dr. William Kelso


F.O. Bateman Distinguished Professor

Natural Fisheries, Fisheries Management, Fish-Habitat Interactions, Fish Biology and Ecology

Dr. Sammy King

Dr. Sammy King

Adjunct Associate Professor

Leader, USGS Louisiana Coop Fish & Wildlife Research Unit

Wetland Ecology, Forested Wetlands, Wetland Habitat Management, Wetland Wildlife

Dr. Luke Laborde

Dr. Luke Laborde


Waterfowl, Public Policy, and Human Dimensions of Wildlife

Dr. Megan LaPayre

Dr. Megan La Peyre

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Wetland Fisheries Ecology, Plant Ecology, Wetland Ecology, Coastal Marsh Management

Dr. Romain Lavaud

Dr. Romain Lavaud

Assistant Professor of Research

Fundamental and applied physiology of aquatic species, Bioenergetic modeling, Dynamic energy budget theory, Effects of environmental changes on organisms and populations, aquaculture

Dr. Yue Liu

Dr. Yue Liu

Assistant Professor of Research

Germplasm Repositories, Interdisciplinary Technologies, Biology of Aquatic Species, Cryobiology, Open Hardware, Genetic Resource Management, Open-source Ecosystem

Dr. Zhijun Liu

Dr. Zhijun Liu


Medicinal Plant Physiology, Natural Solubilizers and Bioactives

Dr. Julie Anderson Lively

Dr. Julie Anderson Lively

Associate Professor

Executive Director, Louisiana Sea Grant College Program

Chemical Cue Ecology, Crab Biology, and Fisheries

Dr. Charles Lutz

Dr. Charles Lutz


Quantitative Genetics, Alternative Species Commercialization, Practical Genetic Evaluation Through Field Trials

Dr. Andy Nyman

Dr. Andy Nyman


F. O. Bateman Distinguished Professor

Wetland Wildlife Management, Wetland Ecology, Coastal Marsh Management

Jeffrey Plumlee

Dr. Jeffrey Plumlee

Assistant Professor

Fisheries Specialist, Louisiana Sea Grant

Phenology and movement of fishery species, linking habitat and fisheries productivity, Biogeochemistry and natural tracers for movement and feeding ecology, Expanding and promoting novel fisheries and fishery species, Fisheries sustainability

Dr. Christopher S. Reid

Dr. Christopher S. Reid


Plant Systematics/Taxonomy, Grassland Ecology and Restoration

Dr. Allen Rutherford

Dr. Allen Rutherford

Director, School of Renewable Natural Resources

Executive Associate Dean, LSU College of Agriculture

Interim Department Head,

Experimental Statistics

Bryant A. Bateman Distinguished Professor

Natural Fisheries, Stream Habitats and Lotic Fish Assemblages, Freshwater Aquatic Ecology, Ecology Of Larval and Juvenile Fishes

Dr. Jackie Satter

Jackie Satter


waterfowl ecology, niche theory, community dynamics, ornithology, wetland science, wildlife management and conservation

Dr. Phillip Stouffer

Dr. Philip Stouffer


Lee F. Mason Professor

Avian Ecology, Conservation Biology, Tropical Ecology, Community Ecology

Dr. Sabrina Taylor

Dr. Sabrina Taylor


Weaver Brothers Distinguished Professor

Coordinator of Graduate Studies

Conservation Genetics, Population Genetics, Ancient DNA

Dr. Terry Teirsch

Dr. Terry Tiersch


Director, Aquaculture Germplasm and Genetic Resources Center (AGGRC)

Genetic Improvement of Aquatic Organisms, Molecular Genetics, Hybridization, Polyploidy, Cryopreservation

Dr. Richard Vlosky

Dr. Richard Vlosky


Crosby Land and Resources Professor in Forest Sector Business Development

Director, Louisiana Forest Products Development Center

Domestic and International Wood Products Marketing, Technology Applications to Improve Wood Products Business Competitiveness

Maurice Wolcott

Maurice Wolcott


Coastal GIS Specialist

Coastal GIS

Dr. Brett Wolfe

Dr. Brett Wolfe

Assistant Professor

Forest Ecology, Plant Ecophysiology, Plant-Water Relations, Tropical Forests

Dr. Qinglin Wu

Dr. Qinglin Wu


Cain Chair and Roy O. Martin Sr. Professor

Composite Engineering Lab

Composites and Engineered Wood, Nanomaterial Synthesis and Applications

Dr. Yi-Jun Xu

Dr. Yi-Jun Xu


Hydrology, Watersheds, Water Quality, Biogeochemistry, Fluvial Geomorphology


Administrative Staff





Nedra M. Raven

227 RNR Bldg


[email protected]

Assistant to the Director

Joy Fisher

227 RNR Bldg


[email protected] 

Administrative Coordinator

Camila Jones

227 RNR Bldg


[email protected] 

Program Specialist - HRM

Nhi Le


[email protected] 


Heather Lyons


[email protected] 

Extension Associate

Ellisa Reed 


[email protected] 

Administrative Coordinator

Dominique Rogers


[email protected] 

Administrative Coordinator - USGS Coop Unit


Adjunct Faculty




Dr. Alan Afton

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Stephanie Archer

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Abigail Bockus

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Christopher Bonvillain

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Bret Collier

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Ashley Long

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Shannon Martin

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Gregory Olson

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Bryan Piazza

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Charles Randell

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Kevin Ringelman

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Frank Rohwer

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Cameron Rutt

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 

Dr. Kimberly Terrell

Adjunct Professor

[email protected] 


Emeritus & Retired Faculty

Photo Name Title Contact

Dr. Bob Blackmon

Dr. Bob Blackmon

Professor and Director, Retired

[email protected]

website: www.blackmonstudio.com

Dr. Jim Chambers

Dr. Jim Chambers

Professor, Emeritus

Weaver Brothers Distinguished Professor of Forestry

Room 206A RNR Bldg 


[email protected] 

Dr. Richard Keim

Dr. Richard Keim

Professor, Retired


Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology              [email protected] 

Dr. Don Reed

Dr. Don Reed

Professor, Emeritus

Wildlife Extension Specialist


 Dr. Robert Reigh

Dr. Robert Reigh

Professor, Emeritus


Dr. Robert Romaire

Dr. Robert Romaire

Professor, Emeritus

Aquaculture Research Station