Sample Syllabus Statements
The goal of a syllabus is to communicate the purpose and topics of the course and the expectations of the learner. It can also be an excellent place to share important policies and resources. Faculty can incorporate the following statements in their course syllabi.
LSU’s general policy states that for each credit hour, you (the student) should plan to spend at least two hours working on course related activities outside of class. Since this course is for three credit hours, you should expect to spend a minimum of six hours outside of class each week working on assignments for this course. Visit the LSU Catalog for more information regarding general information for courses.
LSU Student Code of Conduct
The LSU student code of conduct explains student rights and what is expected of student behavior. Students are expected to understand this code as described on the Code of Conduct page. Any violations of the LSU student code will be duly reported to the Dean of Students.
Each course syllabus should contain a statement reflecting compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Section 504. This link contains four example statements: Sample Syllabus Statements
Permissible Use of Generative AI
As a partner in your learning, it is important to both of us that any assignment submission is a pure reflection of your work and understanding. In this course, using AI programs such as ChatGPT is permitted for the purposes of enhancing your understanding of course materials, encouraging creative exploration and supporting academic growth. These programs should not be used to produce work that misrepresents your abilities or deceives as to the conditions under which the work was completed.
If you choose to utilize AI programs to generate content, you must clearly acknowledge the use of AI generated material. Proper attribution of AI program use should include an explanation of how the program contributed to the assignment and/or your academic growth. Failing to give proper attribution to the use of AI programs in academic work will be reported to Student Advocacy & Accountability for review under the Code of Student Conduct and may result in impacts to your assignment and/or course grades.
Prohibited Use of Generative AI
As a partner in your learning, it is important to both of us that any assignment submission is a pure reflection of your work and understanding. The introduction of artificial intelligence options to complete academic work jeopardizes my ability to evaluate your understanding of our course content and robs you of the ability to master the subject matter. Therefore, the use of generative AI programs for the purpose of completing course work is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, using AI-generated essays, reports, code, or any other submissions as a substitute for your own original work. If you have questions about the use of specific tools or technologies in relation to course work, seek guidance from your instructor beforehand.
Suspicions of the use of AI programs in academic work will be reported to Student Advocacy & Accountability for review under the Code of Student Conduct and may result in impacts to your assignment and/or course grades.
Academic Success
The primary ingredients of your academic success are attending class, managing your time efficiently, taking good notes, and developing good critical thinking and communication abilities. LSU has a number of excellent resources that will assist you in developing these skills. The place to begin is the Center for Academic Success (CAS). The CAS offers guidance on what learning strategies are best suited to your talents, tutoring in the basic subjects, and workshops on a variety of topics, from note taking to time management. Communication Across the Curriculum assist students in developing the communication skills necessary for academic and professional success. Finally, with respect to professional success, the LSU Olinde Career Center can assist you in choosing a major and a profession that best suits your talents and passions and help you develop a four year career plan to ensure success when you graduate from LSU.
Nondiscrimination, Sexual Harassment, & Title IX
LSU provides equal opportunity for all qualified persons in admission to, participation in, or employment in the programs and activities which the university operates without regard to race, creed, color, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, sex, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, or veteran’s status. LSU has implemented a procedure to address complaints for those who believe they have been subjected to discrimination and/or harassment in violation of this policy. Please know that your instructors are here to support you and listen to your experience. We also want you to know that we are mandatory reporters and must report what we know to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX. All LSU employees, with few exceptions, are required to report instances of sex- or gender-based harassment and discrimination, including sexual misconduct and power-based violence (e.g., sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation, retaliation, etc.) for which they may not be the victim, but of which they are aware. The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX is the LSU office responsible for investigating complaints regarding any type of discrimination, sexual harassment, or power-based violence. The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX is located in 118 Himes Hall and the phone number is 225-578-9000. If you are aware of an individual who has been victimized, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX or file an online report by visiting LSU’s Title IX website and clicking the Report an Incident box. If you have been assaulted, harassed, or a victim of violence, we encourage you to contact the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX. Please reach out for help immediately. Some excellent resources available to Baton Rouge residents include:
- STAR (Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response; 24/7 hotline: 855-435-STAR (7827)
- IRIS Domestic Violence Center; 24/7 hotline: 800-541-9706
- The Lighthouse Program; 225-578-5718
- VIA LINK; 800-273-TALK (8255) [national line but answered from New Orleans]
National resources include:
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network); 24/7 hotline: 800-656-4673
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center
For additional information, visit the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX and review PM-73 (Prohibiting Power-based Violence, including Sex- and Gender-based Harassment and Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct).
LSU Collegiate Recovery Program
Louisiana State University is committed to supporting students in recovery and assisting those who are exploring recovery resources. LSU’s Collegiate Recovery Program is geared toward helping students remain in recovery while at LSU and seeks to advocate for students’ recovery when applicable. If you have questions about LSU’s Collegiate Recovery Program or available resources, please call 225-578-4826 or email [email protected].
Your sense of wellbeing is influenced by many parts of your life. The extent to which you feel happy, healthy and otherwise fulfilled matters to us at LSU. Should you need direction to address any number of problems you may have that is directly influencing your sense of wellbeing, please visit or complete the LSU wellbeing resources and support form to inquire as to specific offices to address your concerns. Please note the form is for non-emergency matters. For those matters requiring immediate attention, call the LSU police at 225-578-3231 or LSU Cares at 225-578-4307. For free, confidential, 24/7 emotional support and crisis management, call or text The Phone at 225-924-5781 (LSU1) or the Lifeline at 988.
Academic Continuity Plan
In the event of a campus-wide closure, this course may transition to an alternative form of instruction. I will notify you by [e-mail, Moodle announcement] as soon as possible of the format our course will take. For example, the class may be held via Zoom and recorded for those unable to attend, or I will provide a lesson online that you can do asynchronously, or we may cover content at a different pace or schedule. If the emergency closure impacts scheduled tests, I will make alternative arrangements as soon as possible. If alternative formats are not available due to widespread loss of power and/or internet or other extenuating circumstances, the University may schedule makeup days per Policy Statement 117.
Faculty should check with their department for additional requirements.