LVK Posters
At the upcoming LVK meeting in Baton Rouge (11th - 14th of Mar), there will be a poster session.
- 19th of February: deadline for poster registration via this google form. Please check: Your poster is registered only if you received an automatic confirmation email after submission of the google form!
- 1st of March: deadline for poster sparkler submission to the dcc (must be in pdf!)
- 10th of March: deadline for poster upload to the dcc
IMPORTANT! New this time: Due to space and time limitations, we have to restrict the number of physical posters to 80, and the number of online-only posters to 20 at this upcoming meeting. See here, if you want to learn more about the procedure.
Keep in mind:
- For initial registration you don’t need the final title or other details of the poster
- The poster should be A0, portrait orientation
- At the poster sparkler session you can advertise your poster to a wider audience with one slide per poster in a short pitch. If you are participating in the student poster prize competition (see below), this is mandatory!
- All sparkler slides submitted before the deadline will be assembled into a catalog for ease of browsing and dissemination.
- Any late submission will not be included.
- For remote participants: Please see here for more information.
Student poster prize: As always, there will be a prize for the best poster presented by a PhD or undergraduate
student in each of the two categories: instrumentation/experiment and data analysis/theory.
Both remote and in-person participants are eligible for the prize. More information
on the poster prize can be found on the wiki.
If you have any questions, please let send an email to: [email protected]
We also invite you to join the dedicated Mattermost channel to discuss everything
related to this LVK meeting here.
We hope to see you at the poster session!
Mikhail & Jessica
on behalf of the LAAC