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<HTML> <!-- the HTML tag identifies this file as HTML --> <HEAD> <!-- the HEAD tags identify the hidden file HEADer --> <TITLE>This is where the title goes</TITLE> <!-- the TITLE tags enclose the text for the TITLE bar --> </HEAD> <BODY> <!-- the BODY tags enclose the BODY of the webpage --> | ||
This code serves to identify your file as a webpage. The only section of this code which is displayed by a browser is the title of the page which appears in the blue title bar of the browser window. (Look for yourself!) | ||
<CENTER> <!-- the CENTER tags center the text between them --> <H1>Leonard Ray <BR>Curriculum Vitae</H1> <!-- the H1 tag indicates a first level heading --> <!-- the BR tag imposes a Line Break --> <P> <B>Contact Information</B> <!-- the P tag starts a new a Paragraph --> <!-- the B tags make text Boldface --> </CENTER> | ||
Leonard Ray
<CENTER> <P>Department of Political Science <BR>Louisiana State University <BR>Baton Rouge, LA 70803 <BR>Voice: (225) 578-2542 <BR>Fax: (225) 578-2540 <P><A HREF="mailto:[email protected]"> Email:[email protected]</A> <!-- the A tag indicates a link --> <!-- In this case the link sends an email to Leonard Ray --> </CENTER> | ||
Department of Political Science
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<B>Education</B> <DL> <!-- The DL tag begins and ends a Defintion List --> <DT>Ph.D. Political Science, 1998 <!-- The DT tag marks a Defintion Term (not indented) --> <DD>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill <!-- The DD tag marks a Defintion (indented) --> <BR>Dissertation Title: <I>Politicizing Europe: Political Parties and the Changing Nature of Public Opinion about the EU.</I> <BR>Dissertation Committee Chair: Gary Marks <BR>Readers: George Rabinowitz, John Stephens, Francois Nielsen, Marco Steenbergen. <!-- The I tags Italicize text --> <DT>MA Political Science, 1992 <DD>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill <BR>Thesis Title: <I>The Determinants of Political Party Structure: A Dialogue between Theory and Cases.</I> <DT>BA Political Science and French, 1990 <DD>Tulane University <BR>Honors Thesis Title: <I>Political Underdevelopment and Military Intervention in Politics.</I> </DL> | ||
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<B>Refereed Publications</B> <OL> <!-- The OL tags mark an Ordered List --> <LI value=2000> Ray, Leonard and Hanne Marthe Narud. "Measuring the Issue Positions of Norwegian Parties: Results from an Expert Survey," <I>Party Politics</I>. Forthcoming. <!-- The LI tag marks a List Item --> <!-- value="X" changes the number preceding the item to X --> <!-- inserts a NonBreakingSpace --> <LI value=1999> Ray, Leonard. "Measuring Party Positions on European Integration: Results from an Expert Survey." <I>The European Journal of Political Research.</I> Forthcoming. <LI value=1998> Ray, Leonard. "Why We Give: Testing Economic and Social-Psychological Accounts of Altruism." <I>Polity</I>. 30:383-415. </OL> | ||
Refereed Publications
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<B>Submissions and Working Papers</B> <UL> <!-- The UL tags mark an Unordered List --> <LI>Bratton, Kathleen and Leonard Ray. "Descriptive Representation and Policy Outcomes: Evidence from Municipal Day Care Coverage" Under revision for resubmission to the American Political Science Review. <!-- The LI tag marks a List Item --> <LI>Ray, Leonard. "Explaining Party-Electorate Agreement: A Model of the Party-Voter Connection" Resumbitted to Political Behavior. <LI>Rorie Spill, Michael Licari, and Leonard Ray. "State Attorneys General as Policy Entrepreneurs: An Event History Analysis of the Tobacco Litigation" Under revision for resubmission to Political Research Quarterly. </UL> | ||
Submissions and Working Papers
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<B>Teaching Interests</B> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0> <!-- The TABLE tags mark a TABLE --> <TR> <!-- The TR tags indicate a Table Row --> <TD> <!-- The TD tags indicate a Table Cell --> Graduate <UL> <!-- This list is nested within a table cell --> <LI>Comparative Politics <LI>Party Systems <LI>International Organizations <LI>Research Design <LI>Bivariate and Multivariate Statistics <LI>Formal Theory </UL> </TD> <TD> Undergraduate <UL> <!-- another list within a table cell--> <LI>European Politics <LI>Politics of the European Union <LI>French Politics <LI>International Relations <LI>Constitutions and Electoral Systems <LI>International Organizations </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!-- Don't forget to close your tables! --> | ||
Teaching Interests
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<B>Grants and Awards</B> <DIR> <!-- the DIR tags enclose text to be indented --> 1999 Norwegian Marshall Fund research grant <BR>1997-1998 Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters <BR>1997 James W. Prothro Award for Outstanding Research </DIR> | ||
Grants and Awards
1997-1998 Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 1997 James W. Prothro Award for Outstanding Research |