Leonard Ray
Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Department of Political Science
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Voice: (225) 578-2542
Fax: (225) 578-2540

Email:[email protected]


Ph.D. Political Science, 1998
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: Politicizing Europe: Political Parties and the Changing Nature of Public Opinion about the EU.
Dissertation Committee Chair: Gary Marks
Readers: George Rabinowitz, John Stephens, Francois Nielsen, Marco Steenbergen.
MA Political Science, 1992
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Thesis Title: The Determinants of Political Party Structure: A Dialogue between Theory and Cases.
BA Political Science and French, 1990
Tulane University
Honors Thesis Title: Political Underdevelopment and Military Intervention in Politics.

Refereed Publications

  1.   Ray, Leonard and Hanne Marthe Narud. "Measuring the Issue Positions of Norwegian Parties: Results from an Expert Survey," Party Politics. Forthcoming.
  2.   Ray, Leonard. "Measuring Party Positions on European Integration: Results from an Expert Survey." The European Journal of Political Research. Forthcoming.
  3.   Ray, Leonard. "Why We Give: Testing Economic and Social-Psychological Accounts of Altruism." Polity. 30:383-415.

Submissions and Working Papers

Teaching Interests
  • Comparative Politics
  • Party Systems
  • International Organizations
  • Research Design
  • Bivariate and Multivariate Statistics
  • Formal Theory
  • European Politics
  • Politics of the European Union
  • French Politics
  • International Relations
  • Constitutions and Electoral Systems
  • International Organizations

Grants and Awards

1999 Norwegian Marshall Fund research grant
1997-1998 Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
1997 James W. Prothro Award for Outstanding Research