Jeongha Lee

Jeongha Lee

Assistant Professor of Veterinary Pathology

Department of Pathobiological Sciences

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Joined LSU Vet Med Faculty October 27, 2023



MS, Seoul National University (South Korea), 2014

DVM, Seoul National University (South Korea), 2012


Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists

Awards & Honors

2023, Dr. Wayne Taylor Pathology Resident Award, LSU Vet Med


Jeongha Lee, Sydney Mordoh, Mustajab Mirza, Mariano Carossino, Fabio Del Piero "
Acute myeloid leukemia in a horse with neurologic signs and necrotizing enterocolitis." (submitted)

2023 Fiona Herzog, Daniella Adams, Alissa St. Blanc, Jeongha Lee, Ingeborg Langohr, and Carlos 
Pinto "Canine Sertoli cell tumor: anti-Müllerian hormone, inhibin B, and estrone sulphate." 
Clinical Theriogenology 15 (2023).

2022 Mariano Carossino, Fabio Del Piero, Jeongha Lee, David B. Needle, Jonathan M. Levine, 
Ronald R. Riis, Roger Maes, Annabel G. Wise, Keenan Mullaney, Jacqueline Ferracone, and 
Ingeborg M. Langohr "Relationship between Uveal Inflammation and Viral Detection in 30 Cats 
with Feline Infectious Peritonitis." Pathogens 11, no. 8: 883.

2022 Rotstein, David S., Sarah Peloquin, Kathleen Proia, Ellen Hart, Jeongha Lee, Kristin K. 
Vyhnal, Emi Sasaki et al. "Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 infection and associated lesions in exotic 
and companion animals." Veterinary Pathology 59(4):707-711.

2022 Corinne Mayer, Javier Nevarez, Jeongha Lee, Mariano Carossino, and Fabio Del Piero "What 
is Your Diagnosis?" Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 36(1), 92-97.

2021 Alexandra K. Mason, Jeongha Lee, Sean M. Perry, Kimberly L. Boykin, Fabio Del Piero, 
Michael Lierz and Mark A. Mitchell. "Determining the effects of serial injections of pregnant mare 
serum gonadotropin on plasma testosterone concentrations, testicular dynamics, and semen 
production in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius)." Animals 11.9: 2477.

2021 Mi-Kyung Kim, Ye Hwang Cheong, Seung Ho Lee, Tae Hyoung Kim, Il Hoon Jung, Yuna 
Chae, Jeong-Ha Lee, Eun Kyoung Yang, Hansu Park, Jae-Sung Yang, and Ki Whan Hong "A 
novel GPR119 agonist DA-1241 preserves pancreatic function via the suppression of ER stress 
and increased PDX1 expression." Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 144: 112324.

2018 Tae-Hyoung Kim, Jeong-Ha Lee, Yu-Na Chae, Il-Hoon Jung, and Mi-Kyung Kim “Additive 
effects of evogliptin in combination with pioglitazone on fasting glucose control through direct 
and indirect hepatic effects in diabetic mice” European journal of pharmacology, 830:95-104.

2017 Jeong-Ha Lee, Du-Min Go, Su-Hyung Lee, Gwan-Gu Lee, Min-Cheol Choi, Hwa-Young 
Youn, and Dae-Yong Kim “Fulminant multicentric osteosarcoma with systemic metastasis in a 
dog” Korean J Vet Res, 57(1) : 59-61

2016 Jeong-Ha Lee, Su-Hyung Lee, Du-Min Go, and Dae-Yong Kim “Pericardial mesothelioma in 
a dog with lymph node metastasis and chylothorax” Korean J Vet Res 56(4):273-276