Dr. Belinda C. Davis
Associate Professor
PhD: Florida State University
Office: 221 Stubbs Hall
Phone: 225-578-2533
Fax: 225-578-2540
Email: [email protected]
Area of Interest
Dr. Belinda Creel Davis studies American Politics at the state level. Her research areas include public policy, the social safety net, and representation.
Selected Publications
Garand, James, Ping Xu, and Belinda Creel Davis. 2017. "Immigration Attitudes and
Support for the Welfare State in the American Mass Public." American Journal of Political
Science 61 (1): 146-162.
Davis, Belinda Creel, Ali Bustamante, Melanie Bronfin, and Monica Candal Rahim. 2017.
Losing Ground: How Child Care Affects Louisiana's Workforce Productivity and the
State's Economy. Louisiana Policy Institute for Children.
Livermore, Michelle, Rebecca Powers, Younghee Lim, and Belinda Creel Davis. 2014. "Predicting Material Hardship among Former Welfare-to-Work Participants: An Income and Resource Packaging Model." Journal of Social Service Research (2015) 03 Vol. 41; Iss 2. https://doi.org/10.1080/01488376.2014.972011
Davis, Belinda Creel, Michelle Livermore, and Younghee Lim. 2011. "The Extended Reach of Minority Political Power: The Interaction of Descriptive Representation, Managerial Networking, and Race." Journal of Politics 73 (2): 494-507.
POLI 2070: Introduction to Public Policy
POLI 4017: Politics of Poverty
Belinda Creel Davis, Associate Professor (Ph.D. Florida State University, 2001), studies American Politics in the United States. Her research areas include public policy, the social safety net, and representation. Her most recent projects explore the relationship between immigration attitudes and the support for the social safety net and how education policy information influences support for public schools. Her research has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, and Social Science Quarterly. She frequently evaluates programs for state governments. Currently, she serves as the undergraduate advisor for the Political Science Department.