Michael Khonsari

Michael M. KhonsariMichael Khonsari

Dow Chemical Endowed Chair, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.



[email protected]



Tribology, Mechanical Fatigue, Rotating Machinery.


Surface characterization, interfacial phenomena, non-destructive testing, fatigue


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (1983)


Our group at LSU Center for Rotating Machinery has developed new techniques for measuring, predicting,analyzing components experiencing cyclic fatigue and damage due to degradation. The patented technologies enable one to reliability determine fatigue life in a non-destructive fashion, capable of monitoring structural health, predicting the reaming life of a specimen,and performing accelerated testing for new materials. These technologies are particularly useful for evaluation of the performance of 3D printed components.

M. M. Khonsari Research Image