Dr. José Vargas
Professional in Residence, Unit Operations Laboratory
Email : [email protected]
Phone : (225) 578-3674
CV : Dr. José Vargas CV
Location : 3308B Patrick F. Taylor
Hall, Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge,
LA 70803
About Me
Educational Background
PhD Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1982.
MS Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1980.
BS EE, University of Puerto Rico / Mayagüez, 1976.
BS ChE, University of Puerto Rico / Mayagüez, 1975.
Teaching Interests
- Applied Catalyst and Reactor Engineering.
- Use of technology in the laboratory.
- Importation of research expertise into laboratory experimental platforms.
- Communication skills in professional environment.
Joined LSU in 2022 Fall following 38-year career with ExxonMobil.
Served as an XOM global expert for the last 28 years.
Knowledgeable in applied heterogeneous catalyst development, scale-up, and implementation
in petrochemical applications.
Knowledgeable in chemical reactor design and engineering, the Oxo and Escorez processes,
high-pressure hydrogenation, and process safety.
Hold numerous patents and received several of the most prestigious commendations within
the ExxonMobil technical community.