Dr. Christopher G. Arges, PhD
Associate Professor
Gordon A. & Mary Cain Professor
Email : [email protected]
Phone : (225) 578-3060
Website : Dr. Arges' Personal Homepage
CV : Dr. Christopher G. Arges CV
Location : 3315S Patrick F. Taylor
Hall, Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge,
LA 70803
About Me
Educational Background
Postdoctoral Fellow, Universit y of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory, 2013-15
PhD, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2013
MS, North Carolina State University, 2008
BS, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2005
Research Interests
- Electrochemical Engineering
- Polymer Physics
- Lithography
Research Projects
- Advanced materials for electrochemical processes used in the water-energy nexus – water treatment and energy storage and conversion
- Integration of advanced materials into electrochemical processes
- Investigation of material and system performance using advanced metrology and in-situ