Photo of James CanfieldJames P. Canfield

Assistant Professor

2162 Pleasant Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-3181
[email protected]


PhD, Social Work, Florida State University, 2012
MSW, Social Work, Florida State University, 2007
BSW, Social Work, Florida State University, 2006


Brief Biography

Dr. James P. Canfield is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work. He studies how systems, policies, and programs effect growing up against the backdrop of homelessness. Dr. Canfield has published the only book on working with children experiencing homelessness in school-based settings. His numerous publications on the topic include a measure of policy implementation that has been used in over ten states, a measure of hope as perceived by impoverished adolescents (which has since been translated into Turkish), and several studies evaluating interventions for programs serving those experiencing homelessness. Dr. Canfield has made over 30 national or invited presentations and his TED Talk on lessons earned from working with children and youth experiencing homelessness was well-received. He received a CSWE/SAGE Innovation in Education Award, a national award given by social work’s accrediting body as well as several local awards for his work. He is an alumnus of The Florida State University. Dr. Canfield is an active member of the community, having chaired and served on several non-profit boards.

Selected Publications


Canfield, J. (2015). School-based Practice with Children Experiencing Poverty. Oxford University Press.

Refereed Articles Published

Canfield, J., et al., (2018). Development and initial validation of the Urban Adolescent Hope Scale. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 15, 243-257.

Canfield, J., Harley, D.,Teasley, M., & Nolan, J. (2017). Validating the McKinney-Vento Act Implementation Scale: Examining factor structure and reliability. Children and Schools, 39, 53-60.

Canfield, J.,  Nolan, J., Harley, D., Hardy, A., & Elliott, W. (2015). Using a person-centered approach to examine the impact of homelessness on school absences. Children and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-7.

Canfield, J. & Teasley, M. (2015). The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act: School-based practitioners’ place in shaping the policy’s future (editorial). Children & Schools, 37, 67-70.

Canfield, J. (2014). Examining barriers to school social work practice with homeless children. Children & Schools, 36, 165-173.

Canfield, J. (2014). Revalidating the McKinney-Vento Act Implementation Scale. Journal of Children and Poverty, 20, 47-64.

Canfield, J., Teasley, M., Abell, N., & Randolph, K. (2012). Validating a McKinney-Vento Act Implementation Scale. Research on Social Work Practice, 22, 410-419.

Taylor, J., Canfield, J., & Larson, K. (In Press). FUEL NKU: A campus community hunger initiative. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 10, 30-44.

Haddad, K., Canfield, J., Harley,D., & Mangan, L. (2017). Exploring Urban Hassles and Psychosocial Needs for Urban High Schoolers in a School-Wide Needs Assessment. School Social Work Journa 41, 61-77.

Bowen, E., Canfield, J., et al. (2017). Predictors of CD4 health and viral suppression outcomes for formerly homeless people living with HIV/AIDS in scattered site supportive housing. AIDS Care, 1-5.

Bowen, E., Canfield, J., et al. (2015). What impacts program completion for homeless women who have been prostituted? Families and Society, 96, 268-276.

White-Heisel, R., Canfield, J., & Young-Hughes, S. (In Press). Examining the factor structure and reliability of the Safe Patient Handling Perception Scale: An initial validation study.

Kim, S., Wills, K, Canfield, J., Kazimierczuk, F., Harley, D., Hyppolite, M., & Desrosiers, P. (2018). Assessment of college students with the revised conflict tactics scale (CTS2): Sociodemographic characteristics and relationship, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 28,. 787-797.

Groton, D., Teasley, M., & Canfield, J. (2013). Working with Homeless School Children: Barriers to School Social Work Practice. School Social Work Journal, 37, 37-51.

Tan, K., Teasley, M., Crutchfield, J., & Canfield, J. (2018). Bridging the disparity gap in school behavioral health: Targeted interventions for patterns of risk. Children & Schools, 40, 3-5.

Stacy, S., Cartwright, M., Arwood, Z., Canfield, J., & Kloos, H. (2017). Addressing the Math-Practice Gap in Elementary School: Are tablets a feasible tool for informal math practice. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1-12.

Wilkins, B., Mullins, M., Mahan, A., & Canfield, J. (2015). Homeless Liaisons’ Awareness about the Implementation of the McKinney-Vento Act. Children and Schools.

Macke, C., Taylor, J., Taylor, J., Tapp, K., & Canfield, J. (2015). Social work students’ perceptions of team based learning. Journal of Teaching in Social Work.

Harley, D., Grome, S., Kim, S., McLendon, T., Hunn, V., Canfield, J., Rose, T., & Wells, J.  (2018) Photovoice as a tool for exploring success and self-sustainability among low-income women.

Selected Presentations and Symposia

Harley, D., Canfield, J., & Kokotek, L. (2020). Photovoice as a tool for better understanding how homeless families navigate healthcare systems. Beyond Housing (National).

Canfield, J., Kokotek, L., & Harley, D., (2020). Beyond academics: How students who have experienced homelessness navigate higher education. Beyond Housing (National).

Canfield, J. (2019). Keynote. UC Office of Research Opioid panel. (Invited).

Canfield, J. (2019). UpSpring Fastpitch. SVP (Regional).

Canfield, J. (2018). Homeless Children and Youth. Cincinnati Public Library. (Invited: Regional).

Canfield, J. (2018). Addressing summer learning loss of homeless students: Current research and implications for school social workers. Illinois Association of School Social Workers (Invited: National).

Canfield, J., Aigner, J., & Moroski, M. (2018). Addressing summer learning loss of homeless students: Current research and implications for school social workers. School Social Work Association of America Annual Conference (National).

Harley, D., Canfield, J., Barnett, V., Cox, A., (2018). Photovoice as a tool for exploring perceptions of hope and well-being among impoverished children and families. Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness Beyond Housing (National).

Phillips, L., Essenpreis, G., & Canfield, J. (2018). Summer: An opportunity for learning. Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness Beyond Housing (National).

Harley, D., Canfield, J., & Henegar, J. (2017). Perceptions of Marijuana Use and Abstinence Among Adolescents through the Lens of Photovoice. School Social Work Association of America Annual Conference (National).

Canfield, J. & Harley, D. (2017). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Mckinney-Vento Act Implementation with a Sample from an Entire School District. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference (National).

Harley, D., Canfield, J., & Rose, T. (2017). Perceptions of Marijuana Use and Abstinence Among Adolescents through the Lens of Photovoice. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference (National).

Bowen, E., Canfield, J., Harley, D., & Johnson, A. (2017). University-Community Collaborations for Secondary Data Analysis: Moving Beyond Program Evaluation to Build the Profession’s Knowledge Base. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference (National).

Wermeling, L. & Canfield, J. (2017). Bringing Social Work to Life in the Classroom: Blending Pedagogies Toward Effective Interventions Considered for at Risk Families and Children. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference (National).

Canfield, J., Harley, D., & Moroski, M. (2016). Evaluating programs that address poverty. Hebrew Union College. (National).

Canfield, J. (2016). How the Public Library can make a Difference in the Lives of Impoverished and Homeless Youth. Cincinnati Public Library. (Invited: Regional).

Canfield, J. (2016). Using Social Media in the Classroom. University of Cincinnati Social Media Week. (Invited; Regional)

Canfield, J. (2016). Revalidating the McKinney-Vento Act Implementation Scale. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. (National).

Canfield, J. & Moroski, M. (2016). What shelter providers need to know about the McKinney-Vento Act. Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness Beyond Housing (National).

Harley, D., Canfield, J., & Trostle, A. (2016). How homeless high school students construct barriers and facilitators to graduation. Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness Beyond Housing (National).

Canfield, J. & Harley, D. (2015). Creating school-university partnerships. School Social Work Association of America Annual Conference (National).

Canfield, J. (2015). Using social media in the classroom. CSWE APM. (National).

Bowen, B. & Canfield, J. (2015). What impacts program completion for homeless women who have been prostituted? Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. (National).

Canfield, J., Durcholz, D., Reed, C., Schwer, R., & Stantz, D. (2014). Using field education as a venue for student research at non-research institutions. CSWE APM. (Panel Discussion; National)

Canfield, J. (2014). FUEL NKU: A Community Organizing Campus Hunger Initiative. CSWE APM (Workshop; National)

Canfield, J. (2013). Social workers: World’s finest. Using evaluation in practice. Field Directors’ Meeting, Northern Kentucky University. (Invited; Regional)

Canfield, J. (2013). Get cape, wear cape, fly: Supervising research projects during field placement. Field Directors’ Meeting. Northern Kentucky University. (Invited; Regional).

Canfield, J. (2013). What is it like living in public housing? Housing Authority of Covington (Regional).

Canfield, J. (2013). Validating the McKinney-Vento Act Implementation Scale. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. (National).

Canfield, J. & Riffe, H. (2013). Homelessness in Northern Kentucky: The impact on education. School Social Work Association of America Annual Conference (National).

Selected Grants/Funded Projects

Examining the process of reunification for homeless victims of human trafficking. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking Program Grant, $1,024,776, Principal Investigator.

Now is the Time: Project AWARE-Community (NITT=AWARE-C). Department of Health and Human Service, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services, $375,000, Evaluator.

How do underrepresented minority women pursue healthcare? (2016). Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training Processes and Methods Grant, $10,000, Principal Investigator.

Where do homeless children go when they are sick? (2015). Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training Community Health Programs Grant, $16,160, Principal Investigator.

ACT for Children on the Bubble: Developing a Math Program for Underprepared Low-Income Middle-School Students. (2015). University Research Council, Collaboration Grant, $25,000, Co-Principal Investigator.

Activism and At-Risk Youth. (2015). UC Forward. $10,000.

The CAT Program at NKU. (2014). Department of Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training for Professionals and Paraprofessionals. $1,414,906. Investigator.


2017  WCPO (Channel 9 ABC) Next Nine Award (Regional)
2013  SAGE/CSWE Innovative Teaching Award (National)

Technical Reports

Gilderbloom, J., Hargrove, E., & Canfield, J. (2015). From Blighted to Beautiful: Covington HOPE VI Year Final Report. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Housing Authority of Covington.

Canfield, J. (2014). What are the best practices of improving social housing and access to counseling within primary healthcare reform and the implementation of LEAN principles in healthcare? Saskatchewan Housing Corporation.

Gilderbloom, J., Meares, W., & Canfield, J. (2013). Covington HOPE VI Evaluation: Year 3 Progress report. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Housing Authority of Covington.


TED Talk
NPR Interview