Oliver S. Crocco, EdD

Associate Professor
School of Leadership & Human Resource Development


111H George Peabody Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

(225) 578-5751
[email protected]


Doctorate of Education
Human and Organizational Learning
The George Washington University; Washington, DC; 2018

Master of Education
Human Development and Psychology
Harvard University; Cambridge, MA; 2012

Bachelor of Arts
Whitworth University; Spokane, WA; 2008

photo of oliver crocco


Dr. Oliver “Ozzie” Crocco is an Associate Professor of Leadership and Human Resource Development at Louisiana State University. Previously, Dr. Crocco was a Lecturer of Human and Organizational Learning at the George Washington University in Washington, DC.

Dr. Crocco’s research focuses on leadership and human resource development (HRD), adult development, organization development and change, workforce development, and gamification in training and development. He was elected to the Academy of Human Resource Development Board of Directors (2021–2024) and currently serves as an Associate Editor for Human Resource Development Review as well as on the editorial boards of Human Resource Development International, Advances in Developing Human Resources, and Industrial and Commercial Training.