What to Expect

What to Expect



LSU Integrative Community Studies Program provides a life-changing college experience for students with intellectual disabilities.

Residential Program Assistance

ICS Students are housed in 4-bedroom apartments with two other ICS students and one Independent Living Assistant. The Independent Living Assistant is a traditional LSU undergraduate/graduate student trained in educational, vocational, and social needs of ICS Residents. These Assistants will guide students with independent living tasks while on campus. 

LSU’s Residential Life Resident Assistants will be available for housing questions as well.

Student's Daily Schedule

Time Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Friday Weekend
7:00 a.m. Rise & Shine
AM Routine
Rise & Shine
AM Routine
Rise & Shine
AM Routine
8:00 a.m. Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast  
9:00 a.m. ICS Course ICS Lab; Workforce Exploration UREC Course & Free play

Rise & Shine
AM Routine

Breakfast (10 a.m.)

12:00 p.m. Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:00 p.m. Traditional Academic Course Chores/Laundry
Study Time/Tutoring
Weekend Prep
Take out trash, etc.
Activity Time
3:00 p.m. Campus Activity & Exploration
Personal Time
Personal Time
Personal Time
5:00 p.m. UREC Course
Yoga, Pilates, etc.
Campus Gathering UREC Indoor Pool Campus Gathering
7:00 p.m. Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
9:00 p.m. PM Routine PM Routine PM Routine PM Routine

Instructors, Mentors, and Assistants

ICS Residents are accompanied while on campus by Faculty Members, Academic Mentors, and Independent Living Assistants.

Course Sequence

Independent Living I
Job Exploration
Program & Campus Orientation
Elective/Audit Course

Independent Living II
Work Experience I
Functional Academics
Elective/Audit Course

Independent Living III
Work Experience II
Communication Skills
Elective/Audit Course

Independent Living IV
Work Experience III
Consumer Skills
Elective/Audit Course

Contact Us:

[email protected]