Charles Sasser headshotCharles E. Sasser

Position: Research Professor

Phone: 225-578-6375

Fax: 225-578-6376

E-mail: [email protected] 

Office: 105 Wetland Resources Building

Bachelor's Degree(s): B.S. History, Louisiana State University, 1972

Master's Degrees(s): M.S. Marine Sciences, Louisiana State University, 1977

Ph.D.(s): Ph.D. Landscape Ecology, University of Utrecht, 1994

Research Interests

Wetland Plant Ecology and Wetland Management

Selected Publications

Sasser, C. E., J. G. Gosselink, and G.P. Shaffer. 1991. Distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in a Louisiana freshwater floating marsh. Aquatic Botany. 41:317-331.

Shaffer, G. P., C. E. Sasser, J. G. Gosselink, and M. Rejmanek. 1992. Vegetation dynamics of islands in the Atchafalaya River Delta, Louisiana. Journal of Ecology. 80: 677-687.

Sasser, C. E., Visser, J., Evers, D.E., and Gosselink, J.G. 1995. The role of environmental variables on interannual variation in species composition and biomass in a subtropical minerotrophic floating marsh. Canadian Journal of Botany. 73(3): 413-424.

Sasser, C. E., Gosselink, J.G., Swenson, E.M., Swarzenski, C.M., and Leibowitz, N. 1996. Vegetation, substrate, and hydrology in floating marshes in the Mississippi River Delta Plain wetlands, USA. Vegetatio. 122:129-142.

Evers, D. E., Sasser, C. E., Gosselink, J. G, Fuller, D.A., and J.M. Visser. 1998. The impact of vertebrate herbivory on wetland vegetation in Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana. Estuaries. 21(1):1-13.

Visser, J.M., C.E. Sasser, R.A. Chabreck, and R.G. Linscombe. 1999. Long-term vegetation change in a Louisiana tidal marsh, 1968-1992. Wetlands. 19 (1) 168-175.

Holm, G.O. and C.E. Sasser. 2000. Buoyancy and substrate characteristics of oligohaline marshes near a high-sediment, riverine system. Journal of Coastal Research. 16(1)164-171.

Recent Publications

Suir, G. M., Sasser, C. E., Delaune, R. D., Murray, E. (2019). Comparing carbon accumulation in restored and natural wetland soils of coastal Louisiana. Ecological Engineering, 34(6), 600-607.

Sasser, C. E., Evers, D. E., Holm, Jr, G. O., Delaune, R. D. (2019). Nitrogen mineralization in Mississippi River deltaic plain freshwater floating marshes. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50(16), 1-9. DOI:10.1080/00103624.2019.1648494

Suir, G. M., Sasser, C. E. (2019). Redistribution and impacts of nearshore berm sediments on the Chandeleur Barrier Islands, Louisiana. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management, 168, 103-116.

Suir, G. M., Sasser, C. E. (2019). Use of NDVI landscape metrics to assess effects of riverine inputs on wetland productivity and stability. Wetlands, 39, 815-830.

Rivera-Monroy, V. H., Elliton, C., Narra, S., Meselhe, E., Snedden, G., White, E., Zhang, X., Sasser, C. E., Visser, J., Wang, H., Xue, G., Jaramillo, F. (2019). Wetland biomass and productivity in coastal Louisiana: base line data (1976-2015) and knowledge gaps for the development of spatially explicit models for ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation initiatives. Water, 11(2054), 1-25. doi:10.3390/w11102054

Jafari, N. H., Harris, B. D., Sasser, C. E., Day, J. W., Kemp, G. P., Lane, R., Wigand, C., Holm, Jr., G. O., Freeman, A., Sharp, L. A. (2019). Wetland Soil Shear Strength with Emphasis on the Impact of Nutrients, Sediments, and Sea Level Rise. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 229, 1-27.

Bevington, A. E., Twilley, R., Sasser, C. E., Holm, Jr., G. O. (2017). Contribution of river floods, hurricanes, and cold fronts to elevation change in a prograding deltaic floodplain in the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 191, 188-200.

Sasser, C. E., Evers, E. E., Holm, Jr., G. O., Milan, B., Sasser, J. B., Peterson, E., Delaune, R. D. (2017). Relationships of marsh soil strength to belowground vegetation biomass in Louisiana coastal marsh habitats. Wetlands,

Delaune, R. D., Sasser, C. E., Evers, E., White, J. R., Roberts, H. H. (2016). Influence of Wax Lake Delta Sediment Diversion on Plant Productivity and Carbon Storage in Deltaic Island and Mainland Coastal Marshes. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 177, 83-89.

Carle, M. V., Sasser, C. E. (2016). Productivity and resilience: Long-term trends and storm-driven fluctuations in the plant community of the accreting Wax Lake Delta. Estuaries and Coasts, 39(2), 406-422.

Carle, M., Sasser, C. E., Roberts, H. (2015). Accretion and vegetation community change in the Wax Lake Delta following the historic 2011 Mississippi River flood. Journal of Coastal Research, 31(3), 569-587.

Roberts, H. H., Delaune, R. D., White, J. R., Sasser, C. E., Braud, D., Khalil, S. (2015). Floods and cold front passages: Impacts on coastal marshes in a river diversion setting (Wax Lake Delta Area, Louisiana). Journal of Coastal Research, 31(5), 1057-1068.

Carle, M. V., Wang, L., Sasser, C. E. (2014). Mapping freshwater marsh species distributions using WorldView-2 high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(13), 4698-4716.

Holm, Jr., G. O., Delaune, R. D., Sasser, C. E. (2014). Respiration of Louisiana freshwater floating marsh soils amended with ammonium, phosphate, and sulfate. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 45(16), 2141-2150.