Oceanography & Coastal Sciences Directory

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Department Chair

Dr. Kanchan MaitiKanchan Maiti
Chair and Shell Professor of Oceanography
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Research conducted at the Marine Geochemistry Laboratory led by Dr. Maiti explores interlinked topics related to transport and transformation of carbon, nutrients, and contaminants in coastal and deep ocean systems utilizing geochemical tracers and autonomous observation platforms. The availability of organic and inorganic carbon species can directly and indirectly impact various biogeochemical processes across the land-estuary-ocean aquatic continuum like formation of hypoxia, increase in ocean acidification, benthic elemental fluxes, biological carbon pump and air-sea exchange of greenhouse gases, which has implications for carbon budget at both local and global scales. Dr. Maiti’s research group seeks to provide answers to some of the fundamental questions related to ocean carbon biogeochemistry and environmental quality through field-based observations, natural isotope tracers and laboratory microcosm experiments. Current projects investigate the impacts of hurricanes on carbon budget in coastal Louisiana/Texas, carbon remineralization pathways and methane fluxes in GOM sediments, sediment driven ocean acidification in Louisiana shelf, submarine groundwater discharge in coastal Turkey, biological carbon fluxes and sediment carbon accumulation in Ross Sea, Antarctica and methane emission from orphan wells in Louisiana.

Dana Sanders
Assistant to the Chair
[email protected] 

Sharon Butler
[email protected]

Heather Weeden
Travel/Purchasing Coordinator
[email protected]

Faculty (A-Z)

Sibel BarguSibel Bargu Ates
Associate Dean of Academics, CC&E and Shell Professor in Oceanography/Wetland Studies
[email protected] 
Research Interests: 
Freshwater, Estuarine and Marine Phytoplankton Ecology, Harmful Algal Blooms and Food Web Contamination, Phytoplankton-Zooplankton Interactions, Global Climate Change

Mark BenfieldMark C. Benfield
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Zooplankton ecology, optical and acoustic sensing of zooplankton, computer-based classification of zooplankton, acoustical telemetry studies of fish and invertebrates, application of industrial remotely operated vehicles (ROV) in biological observatories.

Nazla BushraNazla Bushra
Assistant Professor - Research
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Climate science, natural hazards, extreme hazard risk analysis, environmental sustainability, geo-spatial analysis, big data, Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing, statistical modeling, machine learning and AI

Michael DanceMichael Dance
Associate Professor
[email protected]  
Research Interests:
Movement ecology, fisheries science, population connectivity, stock assessment, seascape ecology, habitat use, early life history of marine fishes

Chris D'EliaChristopher D'Elia
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Nutrient dynamics in aquatic systems; estuarine ecology; coral reef ecology; algal/invertebrate symbiosis; science history and policy; math and science education; marine pollution; global climate change; analytical chemistry

Eurico D'SaEurico J. D'Sa
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Ocean color remote sensing, bio-optical properties of coastal and ocean waters, physical-biogeochemical interactions; coastal biogeochemical processes

Cassie GlaspieCassandra Glaspie
Assistant Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
My research integrates laboratory, field, and modeling approaches to address the question: how does environmental change alter interactions between members of an ecological community, and what are the implications for humanity? My lab focuses on coastal and estuarine benthic (bottom-dwelling) organisms.    

Cheryl HarrisonCheryl Harrison
Assistant Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Physical, biogeochemical and ocean ecosystem modeling, applied mathematics, marine ecology, fisheries, climate impacts on marine ecosystems and fisheries, physical and biological transport, ecological dispersal, mesoscale biophysical interactions, and geoengineering. 

Matt HiattMatthew Hiatt
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Coastal hydrology, environmental fluid dynamics, harmful algal blooms, water transport timescales in deltas and wetlands, hydrological connectivity in coastal environments, network analysis, nearshore waves

Dan HolsteinDan Holstein
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
My lab studies various aspects of seascape ecology, including invertebrate reproduction, larval dispersal, metapopulation modeling, and the spatial ecology of environmental change. We focus on tropical coral reefs, with a special interest in refuge environments - like deeper mesophotic reefs - and how these environments interact with others in the seascape.

Haosheng HuangHaosheng Huang
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Physical oceanography, circulation in regional seas and continental shelves, coastal and estuarine circulation dynamics, unstructured grid numerical modeling and data assimilation, tide and storm surge simulation, bio-physical interaction and ecosystem modeling

Dubravko JusticDubravko Justic
Texaco Distinguished Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Ecosystem modeling, biological oceanography, coastal eutrophication, hypoxia, impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems

Chunyan LiChunyan Li
Professor and Mobil Distinguished Professor of Marine Geology
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Physical oceanography, transport, coastal and estuarine circulations, innovative observations, modeling, extreme weather (such as hurricanes), induced water level changes including storm surges

Jun-Hong LiangJun-Hong Liang
Associate Professor, Center for Computation and Technology
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Physical Oceanography; Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamis; Ocean modeling


Dr. Kam-biu LiuKam-biu Liu
George W. Barineau III Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Thematic: paleotempestology, coastal paleoecology, global environmental change, palynology and lake-sediments; Regional: U.S. Gulf coast and Atlantic coast, Caribbean region and Central America, South America (Andes and Amazon Basin), Tibetan Plateau, China

Kanchan MaitiKanchan Maiti
Department Chair and Shell Professor in Oceanography/Wetland Studies
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Research conducted at the Marine Geochemistry Laboratory led by Dr. Maiti explores interlinked topics related to transport and transformation of carbon, nutrients, and contaminants in coastal and deep ocean systems utilizing geochemical tracers and autonomous observation platforms. The availability of organic and inorganic carbon species can directly and indirectly impact various biogeochemical processes across the land-estuary-ocean aquatic continuum like formation of hypoxia, increase in ocean acidification, benthic elemental fluxes, biological carbon pump and air-sea exchange of greenhouse gases, which has implications for carbon budget at both local and global scales. Dr. Maiti’s research group seeks to provide answers to some of the fundamental questions related to ocean carbon biogeochemistry and environmental quality through field-based observations, natural isotope tracers and laboratory microcosm experiments. Current projects investigate the impacts of hurricanes on carbon budget in coastal Louisiana/Texas, lateral carbon flux from coastal wetlands, carbon remineralization pathways and methane fluxes in GOM sediments, sediment driven ocean acidification in Louisiana shelf, submarine groundwater discharge in coastal Turkey, biological carbon fluxes and sediment carbon accumulation in Ross Sea, Antarctica and methane emission from orphan wells in Louisiana.

Giulio MariottiGiulio Mariotti
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
My research focuses on the processes that shape coastal environments. I am interested in coupling physical and biochemical aspects, e.g. ecogeomorphology and biogeology. I carry forward my research using mathematical models, laboratory experiments and field work. My current agenda encompasses three main topics: 1) Wetland response to sea level rise, sediment supply and storminess. 2) Coupled dynamics of sediment & biofilms / microbial-mats. 3) Carbonate platform sedimentary processes.

Steve MidwayStephen Midway
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
I study a variety of aspects of fisheries ecology, often with applications to improving the management of commercial and recreational coastal fish species. My work includes basic biology and life history, species–environment interactions, and the use of hierarchical Bayesian models, among other tools.

Paul MillerPaul Miller
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Coastal meteorology; Hydroclimatology; Mesoscale climate science; Weakly forced thunderstorms; Land-atmosphere interactions; Hazardous weather impacts

Victor RiveraVictor H. Rivera-Monroy
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Estuarine and coastal ecosystems; biogeochemistry of wetlands; landscape modeling/ecosystem models; coastal management/aquaculture; mangrove forest rehabilitation/restoration; nutrient cycling inwetlands (nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon)

Tracy QuirkTracy Quirk
Associate Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Wetland ecology and restoration including plant and microbial processes, nutrient and carbon cycling and accretion dynamics, human impact on wetland ecosystems, and organic matter and nutrient linkages between coastal wetlands and rivers, estuaries, and submerged aquatic ecosystems.

Nancy RabalaisNancy Rabalais
Professor and Shell Endowed Chair in Oceanography and Wetland Studies
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Coastal change; eutrophication and hypoxia; cumulative coastal stressors; historical reconstruction of ecosystem changes from sediments; pelagic and benthic processes; human impacts in wetland and coastal ecosystems; science policy

Bob RohliRobert V. Rohli
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Coastal weather and climate, atmospheric circulation variability, atmospheric hazards, tropical cyclone dynamics, surface-atmosphere interactions, synoptic meteorology and climatology, geoscience education, history of science

Robert TwilleyRobert Twilley
[email protected] 

Nan WalkerNan D. Walker
Professor and James P. Morgan Distinguished Professor of Coastal Studies; Director, Earth Scan Laboratory
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Physical oceanography, Satellite oceanography, Estuarine-shelf exchange processes, Air-sea interactions and tropical cyclone intensity, Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and eddy circulations, Physical-biological interactions, Physical processes affecting coral reef health

John WhiteJohn R. White
John and Catherine Day Professor and Associate Dean of Research of the College of the Coast & Environment
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Our research focuses on biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in aquatic systems including coastal and freshwater wetlands, estuaries and lake sediments, treatment performance of constructed wetlands for nutrients and pharmaceuticals removal, dynamics of internal nutrient loading, microbial-mediated nutrient transformations, plant-nutrient-soil dynamics.  We provide critical research in helping coastal restoration managers to make informed decisions.

Kevin XuKehui (Kevin) Xu
Professor and Director, Coastal Studies Institute
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Coastal restoration; sediment diversion; sediment dredging and management, geological oceanography, coastal morphodynamics, observation and numerical modeling of sediment transport, sedimentary geology, coastal processes

George XueZuo (George) Xue
Professor (joint appointment with the Center for Computation and Technology)
[email protected] (Contact me for graduate student opportunities)
Research Interests:
Physical-bio-geochemical modeling; Coastal ocean carbon cycling; Coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling


Emeritus Faculty

Robert CarneyRobert S. Carney
Emeritus Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Biological oceanography, research administration



John DayJohn W. Day, Jr.
Emeritus Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Estuarine Ecology, Systems Ecology, Wetland Ecology, Ecological Modeling, Effects of Humans on Natural Systems, Tropical Coastal Ecology, Energy, Sustainability, Urban Dynamics


Ronald DeLauneRonald DeLaune
Emeritus Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Biogeochemical cycling, Wetland Biogeochemistry, coastal processes, non-point source pollution, coastal restoration, soil-plant interactions, coastal marsh stability, sedimentation processes, wetland plant ecology, degradation and bioremediation of toxic organics, heavy metal chemistry, ecotoxicology, greenhouse gases.


Charles LindauCharles Lindau
Emeritus Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Nitrogen transformations in flooded soils and sediments, stable isotopes, greenhouse gases, oil spill remediation, point and non-point pollution


Irving MendelssohnIrving A. Mendelssohn
Emeritus Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Wetland and barrier island plant ecology, plant physiological ecology



Harry RobertsHarry H. Roberts
Emeritus Boyd Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Marine geology, sedimentology, deltaic and reef processes



Richard ShawRichard F. Shaw
Emeritus Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Larval/juvenile fish habitat and ecology; biological/fisheries oceanography; transport and recruitment mechanisms and coastal-estuarine processes; age, growth and mortality analyses, fisheries and global climate change, research administration

Eugene TurnerR. Eugene Turner
Emeritus Boyd Professor
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Biological oceanography, conservation, environmental management, estuarine ecology, fisheries ecology, restoration, sustainable systems, wetlands


Adjunct Faculty

Melissa BaustianMelissa M. Baustian
Adjunct Professor, College of the Coast & Environment, USGS Ecologist
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Assessing how pelagic, benthic, and vegetated habitats of coastal ecosystems support functions of nutrient cycling, trophic dynamics of food webs, and carbon sequestration; understanding how microphytobenthos are influenced by nutrient enrichment, climate change, and coastal restoration

Brian RobertsBrian Roberts
Adjunct Professor, College of the Coast & Environment, LUMCON Executive Director and Chief Scientist
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry, particularly focused on terrestrial-aquatic and community-ecosystem linkages along the aquatic continuum; human-induced environmental impacts on aquatic ecosystems; restoration ecology

Jacob BerkowitzJacob Berkowitz
Adjunct Professor, College of the Coast & Environment, USACE Research Soil Scientist
[email protected] 
Research Interests:
Hydric soils, wetland assessment, restoration, biogeochemistry, forested wetlands, beneficial use of dredged sediments technology transfer


Marcelo CohenMarcelo Cancela Lisboa Cohen
Adjunct Professor
[email protected]
Research Interests:
Holocene and Anthropocene history of mangrove dynamics on the Brazilian coast and Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean regions, remote sensing, fossil pollen, stable isotopes and sedimentary features to reconstruct environments impacted by sea-level fluctuations and climate changes

Research Associates and Post-doctoral Researchers

Anandkumar Arumugam
[email protected]
1165 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Thomas Blanchard
[email protected] 
3197 Energy, Coast and Environment Building 

Chris Cleaver
[email protected] 
119 Sea Grant Shop

Maelle Cornic
[email protected]
2247 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Darren Depew
[email protected]

Frank Driscoll
[email protected]
2267 Energy, Coast & Environment Buillding

Manab Kumar Dutta
[email protected]

Yuting Feng
[email protected]

Victoria Garza
[email protected]
3151 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Jesbin George
[email protected]
2211 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Jorge Pineda Gomez
[email protected]

Kaitlyn Hall
[email protected]
2267 Energy, Coast & Environmentt Building


Songie HeSongjie He
DOCS Post-doc / DES Adjunct Professor
[email protected]
2147  Energy, Coast & Environment Building
Research Interests:
Carbon and nutrient cycling in coastal wetlands, such as marsh lateral carbon fluxes and air-water greenhouse gas fluxes in marshes

Katie Orena Hoy
[email protected]

Baoji Hu
[email protected]

Song Li
[email protected]
3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Yixin Luo
[email protected]

Aaron Meyers
[email protected]

Alexander Miele
[email protected]

Brian Milan
[email protected] 

Mark Miller
[email protected]
107 Sea Grant Shop

Mike Rabalais
[email protected]
1002 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Jessica Richardson
[email protected]
3243 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Kelsey Roberts
[email protected]
2173 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Emily R. Savoie
[email protected]

Charlie Castle Sibley II
[email protected]

Charles Simson
[email protected]

Angela Stahl
[email protected]
1243 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Erick Swenson
[email protected] 
1192 Energy, Coast and Environment Building

Ivan Vargas
[email protected]
3201 Energy, Coast and Environment Building

Kejin Wang
[email protected]

Gina Woods
[email protected]
3231 Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Edward Weeks
[email protected]
W0208B Howe Russell Kniffen West Geoscience Building

Kennedy Whitfield
[email protected]

Qiang Yao
[email protected] 
225-200-5299 (cell)
3279/3280 Energy, Coast and Environment Building