I have an ongoing line of research on the topic of the economic evaluation of best management practices to improve crop production, soil health, water quality, and irrigation efficiency.
I have a broad interest in the use of risk analysis, evaluate conservation adoption behavior, and analyze policy surrounding conservation of soil health and water resources in agriculture.
Pathak, S., Adusumilli, N.C., Wang, H. et al. Irrigation water demand and elasticities: a case study of the High Plains aquifer. Irrigation Science 40, 941–954 (2022).
Wang, H., Adusumilli, N., Blazier, M. et al. Risk Aversion and Timber Harvest Strategies: A Case Study of Nonindustrial Private Forest Management in Louisiana. Small-scale Forestry 21, 275–295 (2022).
Pathak, S., Paudel, K.P. & Adusumilli, N.C. Impact of the Federal Conservation Program Participation on Conservation Practice Adoption Intensity in Louisiana, USA. Environmental Management 68, 1–16 (2021).
Wang, H., Adusumilli, N., Fromme, D., et al. "The Role of Farmer Heterogeneity in Nutrient Management: A Farm-Level Analysis," Journal of Applied Farm Economics: Vol. 4 (1) (2021).
Ph.D.; Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, 2012
M.S.; Agricultural Business and Economics, West Texas A&M University, 2007
B.S.; Systems Agriculture, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, India, 2004
AGEC 7303 – Production Economics - Spring 2022
AGEC 2700 - Agricultural Policy - Fall 2022
AGEC 7603 – Agricultural Policy - Fall 2018
2022 Chair’s Leadership Award. Soil and Water Conservation Society
2017 Emerging Scholar Award. 2017. Southern Agricultural Economics Association.
Pathways to the Doctorate Fellowship. 2007. Texas A&M University.
Outstanding International Student Academic Achievement Award. 2006. Phi Beta Delta
Jane Ann & B.A Stewart Dryland Agricultural Scholarship. 2006.
• I served on the Louisiana Governors’ Climate Action plan Agriculture Subcommittee and drafted the action items under agricultural strategies (14, 15, and 16).
• I served in the role of secretary in 2019, as a co-chair in 2020, and currently, as a chair for SERA-46, a consortium of land-grant universities focusing on nutrient reduction strategies on agricultural lands in the Mississippi watershed, and SERA-46 is part of the EPA’s Hypoxia Task Force. I also serve on the Louisiana Hypoxia Task Force.
• I recently completed my tenure as the chair of the Soil and Water Conservation Society’s Science & Policy Committee. The members provide guidance to state and federal agencies on soil and water policy.
• I currently serve as an associate editor for the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
• I served as an editorial board member (2017-2020) for the Louisiana Agriculture magazine, the official magazine of the LSU Agricultural Center. I currently serve as an associate editor for the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
• I serve in a technical capacity providing expert advice for state agencies such as the Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality for their nutrient trading program, the Louisiana Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry on soil and water conservation working strategy, Natural Resources Conservation Service in their technical committee meetings.
• I was a speaker at more than 100 farmer meetings, farm-media network programs, and field days in my tenure at the Louisiana State University.
• I was an invited speaker, a moderator, panel member, along with more than 50 presentations as a primary author at professional meetings.
• I am a principal and a co-principal investigator on state and national projects related to climate-smart agriculture, nutrient loss mitigation to the waters of the US, and conservation incentives within the US Farm Bill. These projects total $4.1 million.
• I have an ongoing international project in Philippines with the USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service, where I mentor Philippines Department of Agriculture staff on incentivizing climate-smart strategies in agriculture.
• I published a total of 15 peer-reviewed journal manuscripts in the areas of agricultural conservation and agricultural policy both as primary author and co-author. Google Scholar
• I have a total of 62 peer-reviewed extension articles published as university staff reports and briefing papers.
Twitter: LA-AgPolicy
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