Jian Zhang
Associate Professor
3272K Patrick F. Taylor Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone: 225 578 8353
[email protected]
Educational Background
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Yale University, 2005
M.S. in Computer Science, Yale University, 2002
M.S. in Neuroscience, Brandeis University, 2000
B.S. in Physiology and Biophysics, Peking (Beijing) University, 1997
Research Interests
Machine Learning and Applications
Teaching Responsibilities
CSC 2730: Data Science and Analytics
CSC 4700: Applied Deep Learning
CSC 7343: Deep Learning Systems
Selected Publications
H. Guo, L. Peng, J. Zhang, F. Qi, L. Duan, “Hardware Accelerator for Adversarial Attacks
on Deep Learning Neural Networks”. In IEEE International Green and Sustainable Computing
Conference (IGSC). (pp. 1-8). 2019
S. Shams, R. Platania, J. Zhang, J. Kim, and S.J. Park, “Deep Generative Breast Cancer
Screening and Diagnosis”, In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCA). (pp. 859-867). Springer, 2018
M.X. Sun, F. Li, and J. Zhang, “Multi-modality Deep Network for Cold-start Recommendation,”
Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 2(1): 7-21, 2018
R. Nix and J. Zhang “Classification of Android Apps and Malware Using Deep Neural
Networks” International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), (pp. 1871-1878),
S. Shakya, B. Karki and J. Zhang, “Analyzing molecular dynamics scattered data for
large atomic movements”, Computational Materials Science 95: 198-206, 2014