Educational Leadership & Research Degree Program Contacts

Photo of Kim MacGregor

Applied Research, Measurement & Evaluation

S. Kim MacGregor

Associate Professor in Educational Research

Bachelor's Degree: Psychology, Syracuse University, 1969
Master's Degree: Human Potential & Development, University of Massachusetts, 1972
PhD: Educational Research, North Carolina State University, 1984

Phone: 225-578-2150
Email: [email protected]
Office: 107 Peabody Hall

Photo of Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell

Educational Leadership

Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell, PhD

Cecil "Pete" Taylor Endowed Professor in Literacy Leadership and Urban Education
Director, LSU Writing Project
Coordinator, PhD Program in PK-12 Educational Leadership

Bachelor's Degree: BA Secondary English, minor Women's Studies, University of Northern Iowa, 1979
Master's Degree: Reading Education, University of Northern Iowa, 1989
PhD: Education, with an emphasis in Literacy Studies, University of Iowa, May 1999
Other: National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) certificate expires November 2025; Early Adolescence/English Language Arts, National License 1995 (field test candidate); recertified November 2005 and November 2015

Phone: 225-578-5998
Email: [email protected]
228 Peabody Hall

Photo of Jennifer Qian

Educational Technology

Jennifer Qian

Associate Professor of Learning Analytics and Educational Technology

Bachelor's Degree: BA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Beijing Language University, China, 1991
Master's Degree: MEd in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1998
EdD: Educational Technology, Lehigh University, 2004

Phone: 225-578-5470
Email: [email protected]
Office: 213 Peabody Hall

Photo of Ashley Clayton

Higher Education Administration

Ashley Clayton

Jo Ellen Levy Yates Endowed Associate Professor

Bachelor's Degree: Interior Design, Virginia Tech, 2005
Master's Degree(s): Higher Education Administration, Florida International University, 2009 | MBA Business Administration, LSU, 2023
PhD: Educational Research and Policy Analysis (Higher Education), North Carolina State University, 2016
Post Doctorate: McBee Institute of Higher Education, University of Georgia, 2016-2017

Phone: 225-578-1792
Email: [email protected]
Office: 202C Peabody Hall