Roland Mitchell
E.B. "Ted" Robert Endowed Professor
Dean, LSU College of Human Sciences & Education
[email protected]
1131 Huey P. Long Field House
Bachelor's Degree: History, Fisk University, 1994
Master's Degree: Higher Education, Vanderbilt University, 1996
PhD: Educational Research, The University of Alabama, 2005
Witherspoon, N., Mitchell, R. (2009). Critical race theory as everyday theology in the practice of African American principals. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 22(6), 655 - 670. DOI: 10.1080/09518390903333871
Mitchell, R. (2010). Cultural aesthetics and teacher improvisation: An epistemology of providing culturally responsive service by African professors Urban Education, 45(6), 604 -629.
Atkinson, B., & Mitchell, R. (2010). "Why didn't they get it?" "Did they have to get it?":What reader response theory has to offer narrative research and pedagogy. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 11(7).
Mitchell, R., Wood, G. & Witherspoon, N. (2010). Considering Race and Space: Mapping Developmental Approaches for Providing Culturally Responsive Service. Equity Excellence in Education. 43(3), 294 – 309.
Mitchell, R. (2010). The African American church, education and self determination. Journal of Negro Education, 79(3), 202 – 205.
Mitchell, R., Edwards, K. (2010). Power, privilege, and pedagogy: College classrooms as sites to learn racial equity. Elon Dancy (Ed.) Managing Diversity: (Re)Visioning Equity on College Campuses. (pp.45-68). Charlotte: NC Information Age Press.
Mitchell, R. (2009). Catholic Church. Encyclopedia of African American Education. 133-136. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Mitchell, R. & Jenkins, R. (2009). The Talented Tenth. Encyclopedia of African American Education. 613-617. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Mitchell, R. & Edwards, E. (2011). New Perspective on Diversity Concept. A paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. (New Orleans, LA)
Clegorne, N., Edwards, K., Parker, B. Mitchell, R. & Howard, A. (2010). Ritual and Consequence: Higher Education and the Bondage of the American Dream. A paper presented at the Annual Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Association. (Dayton, OH)
Mitchell, R., Sonu, D. & Helenbein, R. (2010). Provoking Dialogue(s): Peter Taubmen’s Teaching by the Numbers: Deconstructing the discourse of Standards and Accountability in Education. The Annual Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Association. (Dayton, OH)
Hart, D. & Mitchell, R. (2010). A Symbol of Segregation or Cradle of Opportunity? Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the Nostalgic Idea of the American Dream. A paper presented at the Annual Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Association. (Dayton, OH)
Atkinson, B., & Mitchell, R. (2010). “We Real Cool:” A Horticultural Approach to Developing Critical Communities of Educators. A paper a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Studies Association. (Denver, CO)
Clegorne, N., & Mitchell, R. (2010). The Curricular Cold Shoulder: The Story of Rejection of Theoretical Discourse in Favor of Practical Factoids. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. (Denver, CO)
Edwards, K., Mitchell, R., Milam, J., & Durant, E. (2009). Practicing what you preach in the In-between: Holding the Academy Accountable as a means for establishing a critical community of scholars. A paper presented at the Annual Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice Association. (Dayton, OH)
Mitchell, R. (2009). Educational Experiences of African American Males. A symposium accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. (San Diego, CA)
Co Primary Investigator: East Baton Rouge Parish School System Louisiana State University-College of Education Professional Development Writing Initiative Partnership, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA $70,000.00
Chandler Research Award, College of Education, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA $1500.00
Louisiana State University Graduate School Junior Faculty Travel Grant, Baton Rouge, LA $5000.00