Joshua Ellis
Associate Professor in Science Education/STEM
[email protected]
204C Peabody Hall
Bachelor's Degree: Physics, University of Minnesota, 2009
Master's Degree: Curriculum and Instruction - Science Education, University of Minnesota, 2012
PhD: Curriculum and Instruction - STEM Education, University of Minnesota, 2015
Ellis, J., *Carro, N., *Marichal, A, Titu, P., & Roehrig, G. (2022). How early-career science teachers negotiate their beliefs and practices during an online induction program. In L. Manier, T. York, & B. Calinger (Eds.), Research in practice: Preparing and retaining K-12 STEM teachers in high-need school districts (pp. 321-352). American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Asim, S., Ellis, J., Slykhuis, D., & Trumble, J. (2022). Three domains for technology integration in science teacher education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education – Science, 22(4).
Forsythe, M., Criswell, B., Arias, A., Ellis, J., Escalada, L., Johnson, H., Palmeri, A., Riccio, J., & *Parker, M. (2022). The Framework for Analyzing Video in Science Teacher Education (FAVSTE). Journal of Science Teacher Education, 33(6), 621-640.
Ellis, J., Wieselmann, J., *Sivaraj, R., Roehrig, G., Dare, E., & Ring-Whalen, E. (2020). Toward a productive definition of technology in science and STEM education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education - Science, 20(3).
Ellis, J. (2019). The Teacher Induction Network: Findings from over ten years of STEM teacher induction. In J. Leonard, A. Burrows, & R. Kitchen (Eds.), Recruiting, preparing, and retaining STEM teachers for a global generation (pp. 368-388). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Ellis, J., Asim, S., Slykhuis, D., Trumble, J., Brown, K., Burrows, A., Hickman, B., Megowan-Romanowicz, C., Morrison, J., Peters-Burton, E., Popejoy, K., Schwortz, A., & Weinburgh, M. (2023). Theoretical and practical teaching strategies for K-12 science education in the digital age. Association for Science Teacher Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
Ellis, J. & Dare, E. (2022). Dimensions of integrated STEM in K-12 classrooms. Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education, Gulf Shores, AL.
Ellis, J., Dare, E., Rouleau, M., Ring-Whalen, E., *Hiwatig, B., *Keritithamkul, K., Li, F., *Faruqi, F., Titu, P., & Roehrig, G. (2021). Empirical validation of a STEM observation instrument using exploratory factor analysis. NARST, Virtual meeting.
Ellis, J., Wieselmann, J., Roehrig, G., Dare, E., & Ring-Whalen, E. (2020). Perspectives on the role of technology in science education. Association for Science Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Ellis, J. & Pazurek, A. (2019). Supporting pre-service science teachers’ beliefs, self-confidence, and attitudes towards technology integration. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV.
Madden, J. (PI), Wilson-Kennedy, Z. (Co-PI), Ellis, J. (Co-PI), & Givens, S. (Co-PI). Preparing Secondary STEM Teachers for High-Needs Settings Using Structured Mentoring. NSF DUE-2345136. Amount Awarded: $1,187,387. Project Dates: August 1, 2024 – July 31, 2029. Submitted August 29, 2023. Awarded July 16, 2024.
Ellis, J. (PI). Collaborative Research: Investigating the Impact of Video-based Analysis of Classroom Teaching on STEM Teacher Preparation, Effectiveness, and Retention. NSF DUE-2344794. Amount Awarded: $101,264 (Total Project Value: $985,024). Project Dates: June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2027. Submitted August 24, 2023. Awarded April 3, 2024.
Dickerson, D. (PI), Ellis, J. (Co-PI), Berhane, B. (Co-PI), & Green, A. (Co-PI), Culturally Responsive Engineering Experience Design and Development (CREED2) through Teacher-Undergraduate Engineering Student Partnerships. NSF DRL-2201255. Amount Awarded: $1,837,566. Project Dates: September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2026. Submitted October 8, 2021. Awarded June 7, 2022.
Ellis, J. (PI). Collaborative Research: Building Capacity for Cross-site Research on Promoting Noticing for Equity and Equitable Science Teaching Practice through Video Analysis. NSF DUE-2150708. Amount Awarded: $12,000 (Total Project Value: $125,000). Project Dates: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. Submitted August 31, 2021. Awarded March 3, 2022.
Dare, E. (PI), Ellis, J. (Co-PI), & Rouleau, M. (Co-PI). Collaborative Research: Design and Development of a K-12 STEM Observation Protocol. NSF DRL-1854801. Amount Awarded: $670,470 (Total Project Value: $1,682,062). Project Dates: September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2022. Submitted November 14, 2017. Awarded August 9, 2018.