Pamela Borne Blanchard
Associate Professor
[email protected]
109 Peabody Hall
Bachelor's Degree(s): Liberal Arts, University of St. Thomas, 1981; Geology and Geophysics, Lamar University,
PhD: Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, 1998
Blanchard, P.B. & Buchanan, T. K. (2011, Summer). Ecological stewardship in the primary grades. Childhood Education, 84(4), 232-238.
Smith, E. A., Blanchard, P. B., & Bargu, S. (2014). Education and public outreach concerning freshwater harmful algal blooms in southern Louisiana. Harmful Algae, 35, 38-45.
Lou, Y., Blanchard, P.B., & Kennedy, E. (2015). Development and validation of a science inquiry skills assessment. Journal of Geoscience Education, 63(1), 73-85.
Bush, N., Bush, E., Blanchard, P., Bush, N., & Conover, J. (2015). Studying the ecological benefits of Spartina grass species and use of a mathematical model (Pick’s Theorem) for historical documentation and future restoration of hypoxic marshlands. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 7(16), 1363-1374. DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2015.716110
Lou, Y., Hooper, J., & Blanchard, P.B. (2016). Bald Eagle adventure: A game-based approach to promoting learning through science inquiry. 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference paper. Savannah, Georgia, March 21-25
Bush, N., Bush, E., Green, C, Anderson, J., Blanchard, P., Bush, N., & Conover, J. (2016). Mitigation of hypoxic ecosystems using hemolymph analysis of Callinectes sapidus and Procambarus clarkii in relation to Spartina grasses. Open Journal of Ecology, 6(8), 484-495.
Bush, N., Bush, E., Sokolova, Y., Bush, N., & Blanchard, P. (2018). Utilizing the physiological adaptation mechanisms of coastal plants for vegetative
restoration of barrier islands. 2, 161, 222-227.
Karsh, K., (2020). Integrating horticulture biology and environmental coastal issues
into the middle school science curriculum. HortTechnology, 813-817.
Tucker, C. S., Trepanier, J. C., Blanchard, P. B., Bush, E. W., Jordan, J. W., Shafer, M. J., & Nyman, J. A. (2021). Using tree-ring research to introduce students to geoscience fieldwork. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(6). E1275-1282.
Legoria, M. & Blanchard, P. (2015, July). Is our garden working? Assessing children’s learning and engagement. National Children and Youth Garden Symposium, Austin, TX. July 9-11, 2015.
Legoria, M. & Blanchard, P. (2016, July). The Children’s Voice: Listening to the Experts. National Children and Youth Garden Symposium, Columbia, South Carolina. July 13-16, 2016.
Bush, E., & Blanchard, P. (2016, August). Globalization of Coastal Roots: A school-based urban and coastal plant nursery and stewardship program - Challenges and success. American Society for Horticultural Science, Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. August 8-11, 2016.
Blanchard, P.B., DiIullo, D., Heffner, L., Twilley, R., Karimpour, A., & Habib, E. (2016, December). Watch the delta grow: Combining scientific research and outreach focused on the Wax Lake Delta to create a web-based educational program. Restore America’s Estuaries 9th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Legoria, M., Bush, E. W., Fontenot, K. K., & Blanchard, P. B. (2018, July). Horticulture in a Can: NGSS-aligned lessons on plant science phenomena. National Children and Youth Garden Symposium, Ithica,NY. July 11-15, 2018.
Tucker, C., Trepanier, J., & Blanchard, P. B. (2019, Oct). Gathering Climate and Tree-Ring Data with Environmental Science Students (poster). North American Environmental Education Association Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky. Oct 16-19, 2019.
Legoria, M., Blanchard, P.B., & Bush, E. (2020, July). Preventing Plant Blindness: Using phenology of plants to engage children. National Children and Youth Garden Symposium. Santa Cruz, CA. Canceled due to CoVID-19.
Blanchard, P. B., Williams, J., & Bush, E. (2020, Nov). LSU Coastal Roots Program: Helping to Sustain Louisiana’s Coastal Habitats through Science and Environmental Stewardship. 2020 NSTA New Orleans Area Conference, November 19–21, 2020. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Project Title: LASG Educating Louisiana's Future: Boosting K-12 Instruction of Coastal Environments SUBMITTED (May, 2017) FUNDED
PI: J. Trepanier (Co-PI: Blanchard; F&A:0%, Project Credit: 50%;0.75 mo salary)
Source of Support: LA Sea Grant College Program (LSU #46443; $196,994, Match: $102,291;
Award Period: 2018-2020 (2 years; start date: 02/01/2018)
Project Title: STEAMing Up Agricultural and Environmental Literacy Education: Using Louisiana’s Coastal Challenges as a Context to Facilitate Innovative Professional Development, Experiential Learning, and Global Engagement Opportunities SUBMITTED (June, 2019) FUNDED
Personnel: Blanchard; F&A:0%, Project Credit: 0%; (0 mo salary) – CR connection
Source of Support: NIFA Grant [through PI Kristin Stair, AEEE, LSU AgCenter]
Award Period: 2019-2021 (?? year; start date: ??)
Project Title: Layers of Louisiana Natural History: Environmental Collections Detail Coastal Change. SUBMITTED (Feb 2021) FUNDED
Co-PI: Blanchard; $99,420; F&A: 50%, Project Credit: 50%
Source of Support: GOM BWET [through PI: DiIullo (LSG), w/ Aimee Hollander (NSU)]
Award Period: 1/2022-12/2023 (2 year; start date: Jan 1, 2021)
2010 American Society for Horticultural Science Extension Publication Award (see Bush
& Blanchard, 2009)
2011 Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana’s Coastal Stewardship Award
2013 LSU CHSE Partnership Award
2013 Milton L. Cambre “Spirit of the Wetlands” Award from St. Charles Parish Wetland
2016 National Wetlands Award, Education
2019 LSTA William Craig Outstanding University Educator Award