LSU CES Presentations 2020

Presentations 2020

To request a copy of a presentation, please send request to [email protected] and specify the title and date of presentation.

Firm Dynamics and Local Economic Shocks: Evidence from the Shale Oil and Gas Boom
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D. (coauthor's presentation)
Allied Social Sciences Association. Society of Government Economists. 
San Diego, CA
4 January 2020 

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
Desk and Derrick Club of Lafayette 
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
Lafayette, LA
15 January 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES)
New Orleans, LA 
18 February 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
Rotary Club of Alexandria
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
Alexandria, LA 
28 February 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
Women's Energy Network Virtual Luncheon
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
4 May 2020

Mineral Revenues in Louisiana 
Louisiana State Legislature. Senate Committee on Revenue & Fiscal Affairs.
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
Baton Rouge, LA
28 May 2020

The Time-of-Day Travel Demand Elasticity Paradox
Cody S. Nehiba, Ph.D.
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference 
Virtual Event
4 June 2020

Mineral Revenues in Louisiana
Legislative Task Force Working Group on Long-Term Recovery
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
8 June 2020

Strategic Behavior and Market Design in Regional Climate Policy
Brittany Tarufelli, Ph.D.
Western Economic Association International 
27 June 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO) Louisiana Chapter
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
8 September 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
Southeastern Geophysical Society of New Orleans (SGS)
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
10 September 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
Professional Landmen's Association of New Orleans (PLANO)
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
16 September 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
Louisiana Government Finance Officers Association
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
7 October 2020

Mineral Revenues in Louisiana
Southern Energy Conference
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
21 October 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook
LSU Center for Energy Studies GCEO Kickoff 
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
18 November 2020

Gulf Coast Energy Outlook 
Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants 
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
20 November 2020

Electricity Market Restructuring and Retail Rates
Gregory B. Upton, Ph.D.
Southern Economic Association Webinar
23 November 2020